This library fully depends on vue-class-component, so please read its README before using this library.
MIT License
npm i -S vue-property-decorator
There are 7 decorators and 1 function (Mixin):
(provided by vue-class-component)Mixins
(the helper function namedmixins
provided by vue-class-component)
import { Vue, Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class YourComponent extends Vue {
@Prop(Number) propA!: number
@Prop({ default: 'default value' }) propB!: string
@Prop([String, Boolean]) propC!: string | boolean
is equivalent to
export default {
props: {
propA: {
type: Number
propB: {
default: 'default value'
propC: {
type: [String, Boolean]
Note that:
- reflect-metadata isn't used in this library and setting
means nothing. - Each prop's default value need to be defined as same as the example code shown in above.
import { Vue, Component, Model } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class YourComponent extends Vue {
@Model('change', { type: Boolean }) checked!: boolean
is equivalent to
export default {
model: {
prop: 'checked',
event: 'change'
props: {
checked: {
type: Boolean
import { Vue, Component, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class YourComponent extends Vue {
onChildChanged(val: string, oldVal: string) { }
@Watch('person', { immediate: true, deep: true })
onPersonChanged1(val: Person, oldVal: Person) { }
onChildChanged2(val: Person, oldVal: Person) { }
is equivalent to
export default {
watch: {
'child': [
handler: 'onChildChanged',
immediate: false,
deep: false
'person': [
handler: 'onPersonChanged1',
immediate: true,
deep: true
handler: 'onPersonChanged2',
immediate: false,
deep: false
methods: {
onChildChanged(val, oldVal) { },
onPersonChanged1(val, oldVal) { }
onPersonChanged2(val, oldVal) { }
The functions decorated by @Emit
their return value followed by their original arguments. If the return value is a promise, it is resolved before being emitted.
If the name of the event is not supplied via the event
argument, the function name is used instead. In that case, the camelCase name will be converted to kebab-case.
import { Vue, Component, Emit } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class YourComponent extends Vue {
count = 0
addToCount(n: number) {
this.count += n
resetCount() {
this.count = 0
returnValue() {
return 10
promise() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)
is equivalent to
export default {
data() {
return {
count: 0
methods: {
addToCount(n) {
this.count += n
this.$emit('add-to-count', n)
resetCount() {
this.count = 0
returnValue() {
this.$emit('return-value', 10)
promise() {
const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)
promise.then(value => {
this.$emit('promise', value)
@Provide(key?: string | symbol)
/ @Inject(options?: { from?: InjectKey, default?: any } | InjectKey)
import { Component, Inject, Provide, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
const symbol = Symbol('baz')
export class MyComponent extends Vue {
@Inject() foo!: string
@Inject('bar') bar!: string
@Inject({ from: 'optional', default: 'default' }) optional!: string
@Inject(symbol) baz!: string
@Provide() foo = 'foo'
@Provide('bar') baz = 'bar'
is equivalent to
const symbol = Symbol('baz')
export const MyComponent = Vue.extend({
inject: {
foo: 'foo',
bar: 'bar',
'optional': { from: 'optional', default: 'default' },
[symbol]: symbol
data () {
return {
foo: 'foo',
baz: 'bar'
provide () {
return {
bar: this.baz