The purpose of this repo is to follow up Clean Architecture principles by bringing them to Android, using API
to show up list of Authors and their posts which contain comments:
1- Authors List : All authors from server and if internet connection failed it'll show all localy stored authors.
2- Author Details : Show author details with his previous posts.
3- Post Details : Show post details with its previous comments.
-- this code inspired by clean code architicture by uncle pop and Fernando Cejas ( )
Every user story flow this architecture
- Koltin.
- Retrofit:Consume Network requests .
- Rxjava.
- Dependency injection using Dagger 2.
- Data Binding.
- Material Design.
- MVVM and Livedata.
- Room : Local database.
- Stetho : ADB Debugging.
- Leak Canary : Memory leaking.
- Junit 4 - Mockito : Unit testing.