Personal Portfolio Web-app Built with React/Nextjs, Scss on the Frontend && Sanity on the Backend.
Two problems faced me with my old Portfolio:
1- It was a little boring and not so so modren looking
2- It was a real pain to update the sections since i had to hard code every change i needed to make, So my motivation building this project was solving these two problems.
Hence i tried my best making to create something that:
1-Looks modren and include some animations to keep the audience engaged and more willing to keep scrolling.
2-Easy to update to provide a good owner experience (In this case the owner is me personally :D).
1- Modern aesthetics, animations and Responsivness to most screen sizes.
2- Used Sanity Api Service for easy real time section updates and product felixability.
3- Images are lazy loaded for better performance.
Clone this repository
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm next dev