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Connecting to an authenticated Onion service

Meitar M edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 40 revisions

WikiTorOnion servicesConnecting to an authenticated Onion service

An authenticated Onion service is a certain kind of Tor "hidden service" that requires clients (you) to supply an authentication token (basically, a password) before responding to incoming connection requests. There are two different, incompatible Onion service versions that support client authentication: Version 2, and Version 3. This page covers both versions and describes how to tell one version apart from the other.

💡 🔰 If you are trying to use Tor as a file sharing tool, consider following the instructions in Secretly sharing files with OnionShare and TorBrowser instead. OnionShare's "Advanced" options will automate the server-side portion of creating an authenticated stealth Version 2 Onion service.

💡 🌐 See the Tor project's own site for instructions on configuring unauthenticated Onion services.


  1. Identifying the Onion service version
  2. Connecting to authenticated Version 3 Onion services
    1. Overview for Version 3 Onion services
    2. Procedure for Version 3 Onion services
      1. Generating authentication credentials for Version 3 Onion services
      2. Configuring a laptop or desktop computer for authenticated Version 3 Onion services
      3. Configuring an Android-based mobile device for authenticated Version 3 Onion services
      4. Configuring an Apple iOS device for Version 3 authenticated Onion services
  3. Connecting to authenticated Version 2 Onion services
    1. Overview for Version 2 Onion services
    2. Procedure for Version 2 Onion services
      1. Configuring a laptop or desktop computer for authenticated Version 2 Onion services
      2. Configuring an Android-based mobile device for authenticated Version 2 Onion services
      3. Configuring an Apple iOS device for Version 2 authenticated Onion services

Identifying the Onion service version

Before you attempt to configure your Tor to connect to an authenticated Onion service, you must first know which Onion service version you are connecting to. If the operator of the Onion service did not already tell you, then you may need to deduce this information for yourself. The simplest way to do so is to examine the Onion domain name you were given (the long string of letters and numbers that end in .onion).

  • Version 2 Onion services have .onion addresses that are sixteen (16) characters long before the .onion part.
  • Version 3 Onion services have .onion addresses that are fifty-six (56) characters long before the .onion part.

Using the above rules, the length of the Onion domain name can tell you whether the Onion service you are going to be connecting to is a Version 2 or Version 3 Onion service.

Connecting to authenticated Version 3 Onion services

This section provides an overview as well as a step-by-step procedure for configuring your Tor client to connect to authenticated Version 3 Onion service servers.

Overview for Version 3 Onion services

To connect to an authenticated Version 3 Onion service, you must first create a two-part access credential called a public/private keypair. Your access credential ("keypair") is so named because one part of the access credential is "public," which is to say that it is intended to be shared, while the other part is "private," which is to say that it is intended to remain a secret known only by you (or, more accurately, your computer). The public and private portions of your access credential are related in that they function like a digital lock and key: the public part is the lock and the private part is the corresponding key that "opens" the lock.

You will generate and store these two parts of your access credential ("keypair") in two separate files. The public portion will ultimately reside in a file that ends with .auth. The private portion will ultimately reside in a file ending with .auth_private.

💡🔰 In some situations, the Onion service operator may give you the private part of your keypair. This will arrive to as a small file with a .auth_private extension. In this case, you need not generate another one on your own and can safely skip the § Generating authentication credentials for Version 3 Onion services section in the procedure outlined below.

Once you have your .auth and .auth_private files containing the public and private portion of your access credential, respectively, you will need to ensure that your Tor software knows where to find the .auth_private file. This is done by adding a configuration line to your Tor's configuration file, a file called torrc. The configuration file tells Tor certain things about how it should operate, exactly like a settings screen.

The configuration line you will add (or ensure already exists) will look something like this:

ClientOnionAuthDir /path/to/the/folder/containing/your/auth_private_files

This is a Tor configuration directive (a ClientOnionAuthDir directive). It has two parts, separated by spaces, and it breaks down as follows:

  1. ClientOnionAuthDir - Designates that whatever comes next is the location of a folder containing .auth_private files.
  2. /path/to/the/folder/containing/your/auth_private_files - Tells Tor which folder to look inside of to find .auth_private files.

Although the folder containing your .auth_private files can be anywhere you like and can contain other files in addition to your .auth_private files, we suggest that you create a new folder for the exclusive purpose of storing your private .auth_private files.

Procedure for Version 3 Onion services

As described in the Overview for Version 3 Onion services, access credentials for Version 3 Onion services are composed of a public/private keypair and are ideally created by you, the client, so that the Onion service operator need not ever have access to your Onion service private key. The § Generating authentication credentials for Version 3 Onion services section, below, offers a step-by-step guide for generating such a keypair.

Once generated, you can safely send the public portion of your keypair to the Onion service operator (ideally over a secure channel such as Signal). Finally, you will inform your Tor software where to find the private portion of your keypair.

Generating authentication credentials for Version 3 Onion services

💡🔰 If you were given a .auth_private file by your Onion service operator, you already have an authentication credential and can skip this section.

⚠️🔰 At the time of this writing, this procedure assumes the use of a POSIX computing environment, such as a MacOS or GNU/Linux computer, and knowledge of a command line. If you cannot access such an environment, or if using a command line interface ("terminal prompt") on your computer is unfamiliar to you, we recommend that you request your authenticated Version 3 Onion service access credential from your Onion service operator. We hope that the Tor community will make it easier to generate Version 3 Onion service authentication credentials soon.

Do this to generate a public/private keypair for use as an authenticated Version 3 Onion service access credential:

  1. On a laptop or desktop computer, ensure you have OpenSSL 1.1 or later installed. Links to ready-to-use OpenSSL distributions are available from the OpenSSL wiki. Many GNU/Linux computers already have OpenSSL installed.
  2. On the same laptop or desktop computer, ensure you have Base64 and Base32 encoding and decoding utilities available, such as those provided by the basez package or an equivalent.
  3. Using OpenSSL 1.1 or later, generate a new X25519 private key. This will produce a PEM-encoded private key file, private-key.pem:
    openssl genpkey -algorithm x25519 -out private-key.pem
  4. Using the newly generated private key file, generate a corresponding public key file, public-key.pem:
    openssl pkey -in private-key.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out public-key.pem
  5. Now that you have both the private and public parts of your keypair, first convert the private part from its PEM-encoded format into a Base32 encoded string for use in your Tor client’s .auth_private file:
    cat private-key.pem | \
        grep -v " PRIVATE KEY" | \
        basez --base64pem --decode | \
        tail --bytes 32 | \
        basez --base32 | \
        tr -d '=' > some-onion.auth_private # You can change `some-onion` to a name more meaningful to you.
  6. At this point, the some-onion.auth_private file (which you can rename if you like) contains only the private key itself, so we need to prepend the Onion domain (without the .onion top-level domain), a colon (:), the keyword descriptor, another field-delimiting colon, and the key type keyword x25519, followed by a final colon. For example, if the Onion address for which this private key will be used to authenticate this client is p53lf57qovyuvwsc6xnrppyply3vtqm7l6pcobkmyqsiofyeznfu5uqd.onion, the final .auth_private file could be constructed like this:
    echo -n "p53lf57qovyuvwsc6xnrppyply3vtqm7l6pcobkmyqsiofyeznfu5uqd:descriptor:x25519:" | \
        cat - some-onion.auth_private
  7. Finally, prepare the .auth public key file for the Onion service operator by performing a similar preparatory procedure:
    # Prepare the initial `.auth` file.
    cat public-key.pem | \
        grep -v " PUBLIC KEY" | \
        basez --base64pem --decode | \
        tail --bytes 32 | \
        basez --base32 | \
        tr -d '=' > some-client.auth
    # Prepend the Tor descriptor fields to the base32-encoded bytes in the `.auth` file.
    echo -n "descriptor:x25519:" | cat - some-client.auth

After this procedure is complete, you will have four files:

  1. private-key.pem, which can be deleted,
  2. public-key.pem, which can also be deleted,
  3. some-onion.auth_private, which you must take responsibility for protecting (it is like your password), and
  4. some-client.auth, which you should share with the operator of the Onion service by sending the file to them (over a secure channel such as in a Signal Private Messenger message, if possible).

Next, you will protect your .auth_private file and inform your Tor software where to find it.

Configuring a laptop or desktop computer for authenticated Version 3 Onion services

Do this to connect to an authenticated Version 3 Onion service from your laptop or desktop computer:

  1. Install Tor Browser from
  2. Ensure you have a valid .auth_private file. You can either generate one yourself, or in some cases you may have already received one from the operator of your Onion service.
  3. Choose or make a sensible folder to store all of your Version 3 Onion service access credential files. For example, a folder called "Onions" in your home folder would work well.
  4. Move the .auth_private file into the folder you chose to store your Version 3 Onion service access credential files.
  5. Find the filesystem path of the folder you chose to store your Version 3 Onion service access credential files. Make a note of this filesystem path, as we'll use it in a future step.
    • In macOS:
      1. Single-click on the folder to select it.
      2. From the menu bar, choose FileGet Info. The folder Info window will open.
      3. Click on the General section's disclosure triangle to expose the General Information panel.
      4. Select and copy the entire value of the Where line, as shown below, then paste it into your notes:
        Screenshot of the macOS Finder's "Get Info" window for a folder named "Onions" in a user's home folder.
      5. If the folder you chose was Onions in your home folder, your path will probably look something like /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Onions.
    • In GNU/Linux, first use the cd command to go to the folder itself, then use the pwd command to find the full filesystem path of the folder. If the folder you chose was Onions in your home folder, your path will probably look something like /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/Onions.
    • In Windows:
      1. Right-click on the folder and choose Properties from the contextual menu.
      2. In the General tab, find and copy the full value of the Location line.
      3. If the folder you chose was Onions in your home folder, your path will probably look something like C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Onions.
  6. Locate the torrc file that you need to edit. The location of this file is slightly different depending on your computer's operating system:

    🔰 In the following file paths, the ~ character or the %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% sequence refers to "wherever your home folder is."

    • In macOS, edit ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/torrc.
      1. Open a new Finder window.
      2. From the Go menu, select Go to folder…
      3. In the Go to the folder text box, paste ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/ and press the Go button.
      4. The torrc file will be one of the files in the window that opens.
    • In GNU/Linux, edit ~/[path_to_tor_browser]/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/torrc.
    • In Windows, edit "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"\Desktop\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\torrc.
  7. Open the torrc file with a text editor, such as Notepad on Windows or on macOS. Any text editor will do. However, Microsoft Word and other programs that expect rich text formatting will not work.
  8. Add a line to the torrc file that begins with ClientOnionAuthDir and ends with the filesystem path of the folder you chose to store your Version 3 Onion service access credential files that you noted earlier. For example, on a macOS computer, the full line in your torrc file might look like this:
    ClientOnionAuthDir /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Onions
  9. Save the torrc file.
  10. Restart (quit and re-launch) Tor Browser.

After re-opening Tor Browser, you should now be able to connect to the .onion address described in your .auth_private file (assuming, of course, that the Onion service hosts a website).

Configuring an Android-based mobile device for authenticated Version 3 Onion services

At the time of this writing, Android cannot connect to authenticated Version 3 Onion services. When available, Orbot may make it possible to connect to authenticated Version 3 Onion services on Android-based mobile devices.

Configuring an Apple iOS device for authenticated Version 3 Onion services

At the time of this writing, iOS cannot connect to authenticated Version 3 Onion services. When available, iCepa may make it possible to connect to Onion services on devices running Apple's iOS.

Connecting to authenticated Version 2 Onion services

This section provides an overview as well as a step-by-step procedure for configuring your Tor client to connect to authenticated Version 2 Onion service servers.

Overview for Version 2 Onion services

To connect to an authenticated Version 2 Onion service, you must first acquire the access credentials (your personalized password) from whoever operates the service. This will likely be a human that you know. You will need to communicate with them (perhaps using Signal?) to learn what your access credentials will be. Once acquired, your access credentials will look something like the following line of text:

HidServAuth 1234567890abcdefg.onion abcdef01234567890+/K A description here

⚠️ 🔰 Do not put these credentials anywhere even remotely public. This includes sending yourself the credentials via e-mail. Saving these credentials anywhere that they could be obtained, by anyone else, defeats the entire purpose. And that would be silly.

This is a Tor configuration directive (a HidServAuth directive). It has four parts, separated by spaces, and it breaks down as follows:

  1. HidServAuth - Designates that whatever comes next is the hidden service authentication credentials.
  2. 1234567890abcdefg.onion - Tells Tor which site the credentials you'll supply should be given to.
  3. abcdef01234567890+/K - The authentication cookie value (the password) itself.
  4. A description here - Optionally, you can include a descriptive comment to let you know for which site or service these credentials are intended.

    🔰 💡 If the Onion service is particularly sensitive, avoid including personally identifying information in the comment. For example, Chris's message board is an unsafe description. A better one might simply be, Message board.

On a typical computer such as a laptop or desktop workstation, you will need to add this configuration line to your Tor's configuration file, called torrc. The configuration file tells Tor certain things about how it should operate, exactly like a settings screen. If you are using an Android-based mobile phone, you'll enter the Onion address and the authentication cookie value into an actual settings screen.

Procedure for Version 2 Onion services

The exact procedure for setting up your Tor client to connect to a Tor server's authenticated Version 2 Onion service varies slightly depending on the device you're using.

Configuring a laptop or desktop computer for authenticated Version 2 Onion services

Do this to connect to an authenticated Version 2 Onion service from your laptop or desktop computer:

  1. Install Tor Browser from
  2. Acquire the access credentials you need from the Onion service operator. I.e., get in touch with them and ask them for access. If they do not respond, poke them until they send you your access credentials. :)
  3. Locate the torrc file that you need to edit. The location of this file is slightly different depending on your computer's operating system:

    🔰 In the following file paths, the ~ character or the %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% sequence refers to "wherever your home folder is."

    • In macOS, edit ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/torrc.
      1. Open a new Finder window.
      2. From the Go menu, select Go to folder…
      3. In the Go to the folder text box, paste ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor/ and press the Go button.
      4. The torrc file will be one of the files in the window that opens.
    • In GNU/Linux, edit ~/[path_to_tor_browser]/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/torrc.
    • In Windows, edit "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"\Desktop\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\torrc.
  4. Open the torrc file with a text editor, such as Notepad on Windows or on macOS. Any text editor will do. However, Microsoft Word and other programs that expect rich text formatting will not work.
  5. Paste the configuration line you received from the Onion service operator on a line by itself in the torrc file.
  6. Save the torrc file.
  7. Restart (quit and re-launch) Tor Browser.

After re-opening Tor Browser, you should now be able to connect to the .onion address described in your torrc file (assuming, of course, that the Onion service hosts a website).

Configuring an Android-based mobile device for authenticated Version 2 Onion Services

Do this to connect to an authenticated Version 2 Onion service from your Android-based phone:

  1. Install Orbot. You can acquire Orbot from the Google Play Store or, preferably, from F-Droid, a Free Software app store that offers most of the same apps as the Google Play Store, but free of charge.
  2. Install Orfox. You can acquire Orfox from the Google Play Store or, preferably, from F-Droid.
  3. Configure Orbot:
    1. Tap the vertical ellipse menu at the top-right.
    2. Tap the Hidden Services menu.
    3. Tap the Client cookies menu item. The Client cookies activity screen will appear.
    4. Tap the compose button on the bottom-right of the screen.
    5. In the .onion field, enter the full Onion address (including the .onion suffix) of your Onion service.
    6. In the Auth cookie field, enter the full authentication cookie value as you received it. (The authentication cookie value is the third item in the HidServAuth configuration line, described above.)
    7. Tap the Save button.
    8. Tap the back button (←) in the top-left corner of the screen to return to Orbot's main activity screen.
  4. Restart Orbot:
    1. Tap the vertical ellipse menu at the top-right.
    2. Tap the Exit menu item. This will fully close Orbot.
    3. Launch Orbot again. This time, Orbot will be able to connect you to the Onion service.
  5. Launch Orfox.
    1. From Orbot's main screen, press the Browse button. This will launch Orfox if it is already installed.
  6. Type in the Onion service URL (including the .onion suffix) into Orfox's Web address bar, then press Go on your software keyboard.

You should now be able to connect to the .onion address that you configured in Orbot's "Hidden Services" menu (assuming, of course, that the Onion service is a website).

Configuring an Apple iOS device for authenticated Version 2 Onion services

At the time of this writing, iOS cannot connect to authenticated Version 2 Onion services. When available, iCepa may make it possible to connect to Onion services on devices running Apple's iOS.

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