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Meitar M edited this page Jul 22, 2017 · 11 revisions


Resources and initiatives expanding our capacity for physical self- and community-defense that we have participated in, contributed to, or found useful.

  1. At AnarchoTechNYC
  2. Gyms
  3. Training and gear
  4. Other lists

At AnarchoTechNYC

  • Fight training, a recurring self-defense workshop with dedicated variants for women and people who are gender non-conforming.
  • Lockpicking club, a locksport practice session and meditative discussion circle featuring those most ubiquitous of doorway decorations.

🚧 📝 Possible resources for expansion include: physical surveillance (detection, evasion, etc), self-defense tutorials/guides and especially those covering defense against armed attackers (knives, guns, etc), local gyms and training centers.


Training and gear

Other lists

See also:

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