small ripper script for spotify (rips playlists to mp3 and includes ID3 tags and album covers)
note that stream ripping violates the ToC's of libspotify!
usage: jbripper [-h] -u USER -p PASSWORD -U URL [-l [LIBRARY]] [-O OUTPUTDIR]
[-P] [-V VBR] [-I] [-f | -d]
Rip Spotify songs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER spotify user
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
spotify password
-U URL, --url URL spotify url
-l [LIBRARY], --library [LIBRARY]
music library path
music output dir (default is current working directory)
-P, --playback set if you want to listen to the tracks that are currently ripped (start with "padsp ./ ..." if using pulse audio)
-V VBR, --vbr VBR Lame VBR quality setting. Equivalent to Lame -V parameter. Default 0
-I, --ignoreerrors Ignore encountered errors by skipping to next track in playlist
-o, --oldtags set to write ID3v2 tags version 2.3.0 instead of newer version 2.4.0
-f, --file Save output mp3 file with the following format: "Artist - Song - [ Album ].mp3" (default)
-d, --directory Save output mp3 to a directory with the following format: "Artist/Album/Song.mp3"
Example usage:
rip a single file: ./ -u user -p password -U spotify:track:52xaypL0Kjzk0ngwv3oBPR
rip entire playlist: ./ -u user -p password -U spotify:user:username:playlist:4vkGNcsS8lRXj4q945NIA4
check if file exists before ripping: ./ -u user -p password -U spotify:track:52xaypL0Kjzk0ngwv3oBPR -l ~/Music
- real-time VBR ripping from spotify PCM stream
- writes id3 tags (including album cover)
- Check for existing songs
- Python 2 (if P3 is also install change env to python2 and use pip2)
- libspotify (download at
- pyspotify (sudo pip install -U pyspotify)
- spotify appkey (download at, requires Spotify Premium)
- (pyspotify example)
- lame (sudo apt-get install lame)
- eyeD3 (pip install eyeD3)
- detect if other spotify instance is interrupting