Python library to Etheroll smart contract
Simply set bet size, chances and wallet settings before rolling:
from pyetheroll.etheroll import Etheroll
etheroll = Etheroll()
bet_size_ether = 0.1
bet_size_wei = int(bet_size_ether * 1e18)
chances = 50
wallet_path = 'wallet.json'
wallet_password = 'password'
transaction = etheroll.player_roll_dice(
bet_size_wei, chances, wallet_path, wallet_password)
It's also possible to set different contract address and chain ID:
from pyetheroll.constants import ChainID
from pyetheroll.etheroll import Etheroll
chain_id = ChainID.ROPSTEN
contract_address = '0xe12c6dEb59f37011d2D9FdeC77A6f1A8f3B8B1e8'
etheroll = Etheroll(chain_id, contract_address)
Find out more in docs/
Both Etherscan and Infura require API keys which are retrieved from the following environment variables:
(consumed by pyetheroll directly)WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID
(consumed by
pip install pyetheroll
pip install --process-dependency-links \