Exploring cute and sometimes scratchy corners of SpriteKit with Swift.
Main motivation finding ways to do things for touch feedback and rendering in Touchgram which was initially ported from C++ and the Cocos2D-X game framework. Touchgram lets you compose multi-page interactive messages within Apple iMessage.
The SwiftUI samples mostly built as part of the Purrticles Particle Editor app which is a companion to Touchgram but also a developer and designer tool in its own right.
See specific README in each project directory
- SKScribbles multiple approaches tried with sample images to show smoothness of different drawings, also see the closely-related...
- streakios which wraps someone else's work and draws a decaying streak, like I was using in Cocos2D-X
- ThrobsAndBobs different ways to have shapes that throb and animation along paths
- FramesAndBackgrounds Exploring tiling backgrounds and using shaders to frame an image.
- SKShaderToy Little testbed with text entry to edit a GLSL shader & see it recompiled and in action.
- StyledTextOverSK long discussion of how to combine SpriteKit with styled text. I went with an SKLabelNode using NSAttributedString in Touchgram because of the performance issues this sample shows.
- FontThraSKing simple use of different fonts, picking them and displaying in SpriteKit, mostly created to get understanding of a crash
- SkinSuit Embedding SpriteKit within SwiftUI, exploring two different approaches.
- ResizingRemit Using within SwiftUI responding to a resized area by adjusting the scene.
- LottieSprite - unfinished exploration, don't bother