Releases: Angel-125/Buffalo2
Releases · Angel-125/Buffalo2
- Added new Slim part variant to the B2 Gripper Pad.
- Added new Standard and Wide part variants to the B2 Hinge.
- Added new Standard and Wide part variants to the B2 Flatbed Hinge.
- Added ModuleCommand to the B2 Hub Module.
- Bug fixes for attachment nodes.
- Bug fixes for B2 Laboratory Module when Wild Blue Tools is installed.
- Bug fix for B2 Mineshaft texture.
New Parts
- B2 Workshop Module (Short): A half-sized version of the B2 Workshop Module.
- Support Unit Endcap: A Stilt Lift Module without the stilts.
- Increased the B2 Workshop Module's Sandcastle printing capacity to 800 liters.
- Added Superstructure part variant to the B2 Endcap.
- Fixed wrong node size on the Stilt Lift Module.
- Fixed AuXEN requiring Breaking Ground DLC.
- Fixed missing texture on the Mineshaft.
1.5: Sunken Treasures
- Buffed the resource inputs and outputs on the Power Support Unit.
New Parts
- B2 Aquarium Module*: This module catches Fish.
NOTE: With Snacks installed, the B2 Galley can turn Fish into Snacks. With Snacks Stress enabled, the Aquarium adds the Fishing activity, which will reduce Stress. - B2 Bioreactor: This module converts Fish into Liquid Fuel, and IntakeAir into Oxidizer.
- B2 Fish Tank: This part literally holds Fish.
- B2 Fuel Cell Module: This part produces Electric Charge from Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, and Electric Charge from Liquid Fuel and Intake Air.
- B2 Fuel Tank Module: What this part lackes in crew capacity it makes up for in resource storage capacity.
- B2 Fuel Tank Module (Short): What this part lackes in crew capacity it makes up for in resource storage capacity.
- B2 Submarine Sail*: This part provides sonar capabilities for your submarines and has an extendable snorkel for cruising just below the surface. There's even a small service bay on top that's large enough to fit a single external command chair.
- Guppy Submarine Module: This command pod is specially designed for underwater adventures.
- Requires SunkWorks
1.4: Loose Ends
- Added new Alt variants to the B2 Trailer Frame.
New Parts
- B2 Body Docking Port: This specialized docking port is designed to dock rover bodies together.
- B2 Gripper Pad: This part provides grip support for rovers (well, rover bodies resting on the ground) and some heat protection.
- B2 Jack Lift: This part helps players build rovers in the field.
- B2 Passenger Module: This short-length module seats a pair of kerbals in relative comfort.
- Beta 2 Gravitic Engine: This engine combines the GND-00 "Beta" Gravitic Engine from Kerbal Flying Saucers with a short Buffalo 2 body module. It won't be available unless Kerbal Flying Saucers is installed.
- Buffalight: This wide-beam light can pivot up and down, change color, and even blink if needed.
1.3: Back to Bases
- Buffed the crash tolerance on all the edncap parts.
New Parts
- B2 Hub: Like the stock station hub, the B2 Hub lets you connect Buffalo 2 parts in more than one direction. It comes in Rover and Station variants.
- B2 Mineshaft: This part is a "Restock-alike" update to the original Mineshaft Portable Crew Tube. If the original Buffalo mod is still installed for some reason, then the updated model will be used in its place.
- Buffalo Drill: Admittedly, this is just a half-sized version of the stock radial drill.
- Converter Support Unit: This resource converter supports a variety of conversions with Wild Blue Tools installed, and has similar capabilities to the stock mini ISRU without WBT.
- Power Support Unit: The PSU is a support unit that provides power to bases and spacecraft that has half the generator capacity of the stock fuel cell array. It can be set up to handle stations and rovers.
- RSU (Front): The Resource Support Unit holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, but it supports a variety of resources if Wild Blue Tools or B9PS is installed.
- RSU (Mid): The Resource Support Unit holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, but it supports a variety of resources if Wild Blue Tools or B9PS is installed.
- RSU (Back): The Resource Support Unit holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, but it supports a variety of resources if Wild Blue Tools or B9PS is installed.
- Stilt Lift Module: This part provides an uplifting experience for your bases so that small rovers can scoot underneath and move them around.
1.2: Making Connections
- Fixed B9PS configs- thanks Rodger! :)
New Parts
- B2 Chassis Tank: This small tank holds Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer. It has two length variants: Short and Medium-Short.
- B2 Hinge (Requires Breaking Ground DLC): This hinge has a limited pivoting range but it's sized to fit the Buffalo Chassis.
- B2 Side Hatch (Short): This short-length inline body module comes equipped with deployable ladders and doors that open and close. It also doubles as a small cargo bay.
- B2 Endcap: This simple endcap covers up the ends of the B2 body parts. It has Rover, Station, Superstructure, and Sub variants, and comes in white or blue.
- B2 Sloped Endcap: This sloped endcap covers up the ends of the B2 body parts. It has Rover, Superstructure (long & short), and Superstructure corridor (long & short).
- B2 Trailer Frame: This modular frame serves as a mounting point for components like the Buffalo rover's body parts. It has short and medium length variants as well as variants designed to attach the Buffalo Chassis Decoupler (Body variant). The frame make intermodal shipping containers possible.
- BC-S1 Adapter: This adapter connects the Buffalo Chassis to Size 1 (1.25m) parts. It is offset to account for rover body parts.
- RB-S1 Adapter: This adapter connects the rover body to Size 1 (1.25m diameter) parts. It has various lengths.
- SB-S1 Adapter: This adapter connects the submarine body to Size 1 (1.25m diameter) parts. It has various lengths.
- ST-S1 Adapter: This adapter is specifically designed to connect Station form factor parts to Size 1 (1.25m) parts.
- Buffalo Chassis (Mini): Designed as a "filler" chassis, this mini chassis adds a little bit of chassis structure to rovers.
- Buffalo Chassis (Sloped): By popular demand, this sloped chassis provides a fashionable chiseled edge for Buffalo chassis.
- Buffalo Chassis (5th Wheel): This specialized chassis part has an integrated servo motor that's specially designe to support trailers.
- Buffalo Chassis Coupler: This docking port is specially designed to fit the Buffalo Chassis. It has several variants to handle a variety of docking situations.
- Buffalo Chassis Decoupler: Separate unwanted chassis parts with this decoupler.
- Buffalo Power Chassis: At the expense of some batteries, this chassis has an integrated fuel cell and a solar panel on top.
- Auxiliary Electronic Navigator: This chassis component is a probe core. It has two length variants: Short and Medium-Short.
- TR-22 "Thunderbold" Tiltrotor: Requires Kerbal Actuators (included)
- TR-44 "Lightning Storm" Tiltrotor: Requires Kerbal Actuators (included)
- Air Blast RCS Thruster: This RCS thruster runs on Atmosphere, allowing it to be used on any world with... wait for it... an atmosphere.
- Buffalo Wing Type 1: Holds a small amount of LiquidFuel
- Buffalo Wing Type 2: Holds a small amount of LiquidFuel
- Buffalo Wing Type 3: Holds a small amount of LiquidFuel
- Buffalo Wing Type 4: Holds a small amount of LiquidFuel
- Buffalo Canard Type 1
- Buffalo Canard Type 2
- Buffalo Elevon Type 1
- Buffalo Winglets: Designed as a mounting point for landing gear.
- Buffalo Wing Root: Holds a small amount of LiquidFuel. Can rotate if DockRotate is installed.
- B2 Inline Ballast Tank: An inline ballast tank for submarines. Requires SunkWorks.
- B2 Cargo Bay: Offers several different styles including Rover, Station, and Flatbed, optional endcaps, and optional cargo bay door styles.
- B2 Cargo Bay (Short): Offers several different styles including Rover, Station, and Flatbed, optional endcaps, and optional cargo bay door styles.
- LY-5 Mini Landing Gear: sub-scale version of the stock LY-10 Small Landing Gear.