This is a small package i made that handles all express's app.get requests, it uses angeldav-testpackage and expressjs.
Initalization variables for angeldav-loaderhtml
// import angeldav-loaderhtml
const page = require('angeldav-loaderhtml');
// set url of the website to replace __rooturl in the html files to the chosen url
page.url = "localhost:1234"
// Page to show when a page is not found
page.default.notfound = `${__dirname}/notfound.html`
// Base template for the pages
page.default.template = `${__dirname}/template.html`
// replaces tags like <¡foo> to the content inside this value in all pages
page.default.other = {
"foo":"<input type='button' value='button'>"
page loader
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const pageloader = require(`angeldav-test-pageloader`)(page,{
"app":app, // express app
"path":`${__dirname}/view` // folder containing all pages to load
404 error tags
<¡errortitle> <!-- Displays error title example: 404: Page not found -->
<¡errormessage> <!-- Displays error message ex: {page name} isn't a valid page -->
<¡errorcode> <!-- Displays error code ex: 404 -->
Other tags
__pagetitle <!-- Displays the title chosen in the config table -->
__rooturl <!-- Returns the website url stated in package.url -->
Example of index.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const page = require('angeldav-loaderhtml');
page.url = "http://localhost:3000"
page.default.template = `${__dirname}/template.html`
page.default.notfound = `${__dirname}/view/404.html`
app.use('/public', express.static('public'));
const pageloader = require(`angeldav-test-pageloader`)(page,{
Example of template.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<section class="<¿templatesectionclass>">
<¿templatesectionmain> <!-- required for loader content to show -->
Example of index page
<p>Hello world!</p>
Example of static page
<p>Hello this is a test</p>
Example of dynamic page
const number1 = parseInt(req.query.a)
const number2 = parseInt(req.query.b)
var total = number1 + number2
new page.loader({
"res": res,
"req": req,
"title": "Sum of numbers",
"templatedir": `${__dirname}/../../pages/codetest.html`,
"other": {
"num1": number1,
"num2": number2,
"total": total
<p>The sum of <¡num1> and <¡num2> is <¡total></p>
sets javascript code to run before fully loading a page, it lets you modify the template page before any more changes with the base
Useful when adding logged in username, custom themes and other stuff.
const page = require('angeldav-loaderhtml');
page.preload = `${__dirname}/default_preload.js`
function getCookie(cookie, name) {
if (cookie.includes(name+"=") == false || name == "") return ""
var result = cookie.slice(cookie.indexOf(name))
if (result.includes(";")) result = result.slice(0, result.indexOf(";"))
result = result.split("=")
return result[result.length-1]
let theme = getCookie(req.headers.cookie, "theme")
if (theme == "special") base = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../../templates/special.html`).toString()