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Hockey NHL Project (Data Science Project)

Project Demo:


Advanced Plot Visualization Shot Map Dash Application:



Question Codes and Figures:

Question 1 Data Acquisition (25%):- The builded the code download_raw_data.ipynb which is placed in the directory milestone_project/src/data/. As per suggested by TA, we didn't place the downloaded data in the data directory folder.

Question 2 Interactive Debugging Tool (10%):- The notebook of ipywidget intractive tool is placed in milestone_project/notebooks/ipywidgets.ipynb

Question 3 Tidy Data (10%):- The code is placed in which is placed in milestone_project/src/features. The data complex_visuals.csv generated by this file is placed in the milestone_project/data/processed/.

Question 4 Simple Visualizations (25%):- The code is placed in simple visualizations.ipynb along with the plots.

Question 5 Advanced Visualizations: Shot Maps (30%):- There are two codes for this question. The data aggregation code is placed in milestone_project/src/visualization/ and the data visualization code is placed in milestone_project/src/visualization/. The aggregated data complex_diff.csv generated is placed in milestone_project/data/processed. The interactive plot Milestone1_Q_6_1.html is placed in milestone_project/reports/figures. Additionally, we have launched it as a website:

BlogPost Image, File and figures used in the blogpost:

We have also placed an image of our blogpost: milestone_project/reports/Blogpost Image/Blogpost Image.png Our images attached in blogpost are placed in milestone_project/blogpost_milestone_1/assets/images/ Our blogpost .md file is placed in milestone_project/blogpost_milestone_1/_posts/


Question Codes and Figures:

Question 1: Comet-ml was setup and the link for this comet-ml is available here:

Question 2 (10%):- The code is present under src/features directory, namely and Images are placed under the blogpost Assets directory. And visualization kept in src/visualization in the code

Question 3 (15%):- The code is present under the src/model directory, namely and it's notebook is present under notebook directory namely basemodel_logreg.ipynb.

Question 4 (15% + bonus 5%):- The code is present under src/features directory, namely and Images are placed under the blogpost Assets directory.

Question 5 (20%):- The code is present under src/model directory, namely and it's notebook is present under notebook directory namely xgboostcometfinal.ipynb.

Question 6 (20%):- The code is present under src/model directory, namely and it's notebook is present under notebook directory namely final_best_shot_try.ipynb.

Question 7 (10%):- Plots are placed under asset directory.

Figures and plots are kept under asset directory of the blogpost. Under comet, we kept are the experiments, models, plots, and confusion matrix along with other matrices.

BlogPost Image, File and figures used in the blogpost:

Our images attached in blogpost are placed in milestone_project/blogpost_milestone_1_2/assets/images/ Our blogpost .md file is placed in milestone_project/blogpost_milestone_1_2/_posts/


Question Codes and Figures:

Question 1: (30%) Modeling Serving Flask App:- The code is present inside milestone_project/docker-project_milestone_3 with filename It writes the logs about model state into flask.log. We have used waitress for this flask application. This will run and test for models- base-xgboost, feature-selection-xgboost, and tuned-xgboost as written in question 1. It can also support other models too.

Question 2: (10%) Clients:- The code is kept inside milestone_project/docker-project_milestone_3/ift6758/ift6758/client with filenames as,, with other supporting files.

Question 3: (15%) Docker part 1 - Serving:- We have .env file inside which we kept COMET_API_KEY. We have used Docker Desktop in windows to setup the docker containers. The files included in this tasks are docker-compose.yaml, Dockerfile.serving,,, and Images are displayed in last question 5.

Question 4: (30%) Streamlit App:- We have implemented the number of records/newly updated records or batch in this part using streamlit session_state. It works in a way that for each game id it will every time take newly updated records, however, if there are no new records, it will show us the previous computed results. For a new different game id, we have to download the model again and then generate the prediction for this new game id because the model is using One hot encoding which will create categorical columns based on the values of the game id. Hence, each game id can vary in terms of categorical columns based on the values they have in the column. The code is kept in milestone_project/docker-project_milestone_3/ Below image shows the stream app. Streamlit App

Question 5: (15%) Docker part 2 - Streamlit:- The Streamlit app is containerized into docker containers. Some of the information of this question is written in Question 3. The files included in this tasks are docker-compose.yaml, Dockerfile.streamlit, and .env file in which we kept COMET_API_KEY. Below are the images showing docker containers, images, network, docker desktop, and docker compose up command: Docker Containers, Images, Network Docker Containers Status

Docker Compose Command Docker Compose UP

Docker Compose UP

Docker Desktop Docker Desktop Image