- A web application where admin adds faculties and students.
- Using portal faculties can schedule MCQ and Theory based test, Assignments for students, view student past test history, attendance, and grade the Theory-based test and Assignments. Faculties can also share notes and information through posts.
- Students will recieve test, assignment, abd post details(title, password in case of test, etc) on their mail, can give test during scheduled time and duration, view result on the result date, and see their past test performance. All tests are protored using ML model.
- The frontend of the project is PWA which is hosted on Firebase and backend is deployed on Heroku.
- The goal is to provide a complete platform to school and colleges to conduct exams.
- Building a platform that can be used to conduct safe, secure and hastle free exam in times like pandemic.
- The key concept is to minimize the amount of paper and convert all forms of documentation to digital form.
- At same time reducing the cost and removing the need for logistics network and human resource required for large scale exams.
- Conduct online classes through the platform.
- Buiding discussion forum for subjects and assignments.
- Multimedia support.
- Integrating learning material.
- Node version: 14.0
- npm version: 6.14.8
- Angular version: 10
- Java version: 11.0.4
- SpringBoot version: 2.4.4
- PostgreSQL version: 12
- Any operating system (i.e. Linux, Windows, MacOS X).
- Spring Tool Suite(STS) and VS Code.
Download all the technology used according to their versions
- Clone the Angular project from here.
- Open the project in VS Code and their in terminal type
npm i
- Clone this Spring Boot Project from here and open it using STS and wait for maven to download all the dependencies.
- Now to run the angular project type
ng serve -o
- Run spring boot project using STS.
Email: purva@gmail.com
Password: 654321
Email: anshul.pandeycs2018@indoreinstitute.com
Password: 123456
Angular Project: https://github.com/AnshulPandey-01/virtual-exam
ER Diagram: https://drawsql.app/v-coders/diagrams/virtual-classroom
Anshul Pandey: https://github.com/AnshulPandey-01
Rajendra Chourasiya: https://github.com/rajendra786952