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RI project - Search engine on the Stanford collection

A search engine project using the collection provided by Stanford for their online course : Information Retrieval and Web Search (cs276). A link to the course can be found here, and the collection can be downloaded by following this link.

The goal of this project, which is developped for the Information Research for the Web course, is to build a small search engine around the CS276 dataset. More specifically, it must construct an inverted index from the dataset, in order to be able to respond at queries on this database. We support two types of queries:

  • boolean queries: cats OR (dogs AND duck)
  • vectorial queries: cats dogs duck

The performance bottlenecks are important to monitor since the goal of this course is also to observe the challenges of the real scale of the web.


We're using Python 3.7+, with some of the last data structures implemented (dataclasses).

As the dataset is heavy, it is not included in the repositery. Therefore, download the collection and extract it in the data directory, under a collection directory :

├── data
│   └── collection
|       ├── 0
|       ├── ...
|       └── 9

Caution: We assume you're in a correct new Virtual Environnement, with python and pip refering to Python 3.7+.

To install the modules, you can simply run make install.

Or Install the necessary modules : pip install -r requirements.txt, and the minimal nltk modules : python -m nltk.downloader popular.

We specifically relie on two modules for this project :

  • nltk, a natural language processing toolkit, used for tokenization and lemmatization. We use wordnet, so you'll need to download additional data.
  • ttable, a library to work with Boolean expressionss


Practical querying

To use and execute queries, you can use the cli provided by [src/](src/

> python src/ --help
usage: [-h] [--model MODEL] [--number NUMBER] [--weight-document WEIGHT_DOCUMENT] [--weight-query WEIGHT_QUERY] [--pos POS] [--path-index PATH_INDEX] query

positional arguments:
  query                 query to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         <boolean|vectorial> model used to process query
  --number NUMBER, -n NUMBER
                        number of results to display (only for vectorial)
  --weight-document WEIGHT_DOCUMENT
                        <frequency|tf_idf_normalize|tf_idf_logarithmic|tf_idf_log_normalize> weighting scheme for the document (defaults to tf_idf_log_normalize
  --weight-query WEIGHT_QUERY
                        <tf|tf_idf> weighting scheme for the query (defaults to tf_idf)
  --pos POS             <True|False> wether to use pos lemmatization or not
  --path-index PATH_INDEX
                        specify this path to use a custom index

all arguments can be ommitted appart from the query string, however you might want to experiment with the type of model used by setting the --model parameter to boolean or vectorial. the other parameters allow further experimentation of the query parameters which are detailed in the vectorial querying section of this readme.

For example, if you want to use a custom index, for a vectorial query with a tf_idf weighting scheme for both query and document weights, you could run the following query :

python src/ --model vectorial --path-index /my/custom/index/path --weight-query tf_idf --weight-document tf_idf "cats are cute"

Use the same stemmer/lemmatizer for the query that the one used for the index. You can control the use of the POS lemmatizer or the Snowball Stemmer with the --pos parameter (True by default).


Simply run make test.

These tests helped during development to avoid breaking changes, and validate Pull Request with Github Action (CI/CD).


Files loading

We simply open all files in the collection folder, loading the content in memory into a dictionnary.

Since there is almost 100 000 documents, it takes aroud 15 sec to load all the files. To avoid waiting for this operation, we save the corpus once fully loaded as a binary with pickle at data/corpus.pkl. This file takes only 161 Mo and is loaded in 0.38 sec.


The data set is already tokenized, but we still this process for queries. We use the tokenization provided with nltk, which is more precise than a simple split on spaces, for numbers or 's for example.

Stop words

We remove stop words before lemmatization but also after. The idea is that we want to remove all obvious useless words from the dataset before the quite costly lemmatization, but also remove some synonyms of stop words find with the lemmatization. Since the stop word removal is quite negligeable in term of computing time for the whole index creation, we think it's not a bad choice.


For a better quality of lemmatization, we use the context of a token in a sentence, with the pos_tag (Part-Of-Speach tag) function in nltk, which can indicate the grammatical use of a word : fly can be either a verb or a noun. The WordNet lemmatizer can take as argument this categorisation to give a precise result.

However, since this process quite is long, so we also used the simpler version with the SnowballStemmer from nltk, which is faster.

Inversed index construction

Building the inversed index consist on applying these differents steps to the whole collection, and then iterate over all documents and tokens, counting and storing the index in a dictionnary.

We support three index types:

  • document index: For each term of the collection, it returns the ids of the documents in which the term appears.
{"information": [1, 4]} # the term 'information' appears in docs 1 and 4
  • frequency index: For each term of the collection, for each document in which the term appears, it returns both the id of the document and the term frequency of the term in the document.
{"information": {1: 2, 4: 19}} # the term 'information' appears in docs 1 (2 times) and 4 (19 times)
  • position index, For each term of the collection, for each document in which the term appears, it returns both the id of the document and the positions of the term in the document.
{"information": {1: [1, 19], 4: [0, 2, 5]}} # the term 'information' appears in docs 1 (at position 1 and 19) and 4 (at position at 0, 2 and 5)

To create an index, a cli is provided with [src/](src/ :

> python src/ --help
usage: [-h] [--pos POS] index_type output

positional arguments:
  index_type  type of the index to build
  output      path where the index will be saved

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --pos POS   use the the Part-Of-Speech (pos) lemmatization, or simple
              stemmer (default=True)

For example to create an frequency index with the simple Snowball stemmer, saving it as a pickle binary, you can run python src/ 2 --pos False data/frequency_index_stem.pkl.

To reduce development time, we also have an environment variable for a DEV flag, which load less files from the corpus : DEV=1 DEV_ITER=100 python src/ 1. By default, the index is saved in the data folder as index.pkl (or dev_index.pkl).

First analysis

Note: We're doing the time benchmark on our working machines. Therefore the resuts can vary quite a lot depending of the work actually done on the computer, process launched by the OS, etc... These benchmarks are only here to give an general idea of the steps which can take some time.

Let's benchmark a first run for our index creation, with an index of type 1, a complete lemmatization.

Steps Corpus loading Tokenization Stop words Lemmatization Stop words Index Total
Time (s) 12.38 80 67 679 49 2069 2956.38
% 0.42% 2.71% 2.27% 22.97% 1.66% 69.98% 100.00%

Here we have two main bottlenecks*. In the preprocessing part, we have the lemmatization which takes several minutes, and then the index construction is very long. Let's try to improve this two parts : processing and indexing.

Processing analysis

To best prepare our corpus for the queries, and understand the bottlenecks induced by the composition of our documents, we thoroughly explored the corpus and mesured the impact of each preprocessing operations. the detailed analysis can be found here.

Index Construction

Now that's the pre-processing is optimized, how can we improve the index construction ?

It's Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission

A first idea was inspired by the Python documentation itself, which mention EAFP : Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission. Indeed, in our process we use some if term in index before inserting or updating the current index, which is a dictionnary. The idea is that it might be faster to try to update the dictionnary, without checking if the key already exists, and catch the exception if it occurs.

For example, for the frequency index. Instead of

for term in collection[document]:
    if term in index:
        if doc_id in index[term]:
            index[term][doc_id] += 1
            index[term][doc_id]= 1


for term in collection[document]:
            index[term][doc_id] += 1
        except KeyError:
            index[term][doc_id]= 1
    except KeyError:

With the original method, it takes around 909 sec for the if/in solultion and 882 sec for the try/catch : not very concluant, this small difference is not significant.

If we look at the Python Source code for the dictionnary, we can look at the method __contains__, whis is called with the in operator, and also the method __get__ that we use in the try/catch. And we can observe that it reuses the same code part : there is no improvement to except in using the try/catch method, except being somewhat more pythonic.

Data Sructures

We didn't improve our index construction with this, however we can observe an interesting difference between the simple inverted index, which only save the presence of a term in a document, and the frequency index which also count how many of these terms we have in the document. It appears the first index is way longer to build, the number of opperations per seconds decreasing during the construction (with the Stemmer, so a smaller vocabulary) :

building index : 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 98998/98998 [21:29<00:00, 76.78it/s]

The problem comes from the use of a list :

    if doc_id not in index[term]:
except KeyError:
    index[term] = [doc_id]

The cost of doc_id not in index[term] is O(n). The idea here is to use a dictionnary, from which we can call the values()) method to obtain the same list.

        _ = index[term][doc_id]
        # if pass, do nothing
    except KeyError:

except KeyError:

Now the cost of accessing index[term][doc_id] is only O(1) (see here). And we have way better performance :

building index : 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 98998/98998 [00:16<00:00, 5874.64it/s]

Here we can see the importance of using correct data structures for the algorithm.

Conclusion of the improvements on index construction

By using a simpler stemmer, but more important by using the correct data structure, we can have raisonable execution times.

Simple Index with stemmer

Steps Corpus loading Tokenization Stop words Lemmatization Stop words Index Stats Total
Time (s) 15 80 66 141 51 17 6 370
% 4.05% 21.62% 17.84% 38.11% 13.78% 4.59% 1.62% 100.00%

The index takes up 66Mo on the disk.

Simple Index with Part-Of-Speach lemmatization

Here the lemmatization takes more time. The computer seemed to have more load (tokenization tooked longer)

Steps Corpus loading Tokenization Stop words Lemmatization Stop words Index Stats Total
Time (s) 15 101 80 1150 73 17 2 1436
% 1.04% 7.03% 5.57% 80.08% 5.08% 1.18% 0.14% 100.00%

The index takes up 68Mo on the disk.

Frequency Index with stemmer

Steps Corpus loading Tokenization Stop words Lemmatization Stop words Index Stats Total
Time (s) 15 92 76 167 57 20 6 427
% 3.51% 21.55% 17.80% 39.11% 13.35% 4.68% 1.41% 100.00%

The index takes up 66Mo on the disk.


Loading the index

Since we saved the index as a pickle binary the loading is quite fast, around 3 sec.

Boolean querying

If the request is entered as boolean, we therefore except that it is syntactically correct. We support three logical operator :

  • AND : term1 AND term2 will return documents containing both term1 or term2
  • OR : term1 AND term2 will return documents containing term1, term2 or both
  • NAND : which means AND NOT, term1 NAND term2 will return documents containing term1 but not term2.

You can also use parenthesis for a better query expression. Otherwise, by default, ttable has the following default priorities (or precedence) for operators : NAND > AND > OR, ie cats OR dogs NAND ducks AND squid will be interpreted as (cats OR ((dogs NAND ducks) AND squid))

First, we tokenize, remove stop words and lemmatize the query, except for the logical operators. Then, we use ttable to transform the query into its postfix syntax, which will remove parenthesis and change the order of tokens and logical operator. It is then easy to process the query : read the postfix query sequentially. If you have a token, add the list of documents with this token (with the inverted index). Ortherwise, its a logical operator, apply a merge with this operator and the last two elements of the stack.

If you don't specify any logical operator, we assume it's an AND request : cats dog duck --> cats AND dog AND duck.

Vectorial querying

In this case each document and query is represented by a vector in the vocabulary space. To find out how close a document is close to a query we compute the cosine similarity between the two vectors. However there are different ways to represent documents in the vocabulary space, which can affect te end results of our search engine.

Weighting schemes

Several weights that can be used to score our documents :

  • term frequency: the number of occurences of a term in a document
  • number of unique terms in the document
  • mean frequency of occurence of a term in the document
  • inverse document frequency: number of documents in which a term occurs

We chose to combine this weights using the normalized logarithmic tf-idf weighting scheme for the documents, which ensures that relevant distinctive words are given a better weight for the document (tf-idf part), while making sure iregular documents with repetitions of specific terms will not get irresonably high scores (logarithmic normalized part). For the query we dropped the normalization, as user queries usually contain a few well selected words and do not need to be normalized.

Dot product optimization

Although the cosine similarity consists basically in a dot product between query vector and document vector, the high dimensionality of the vocabulary space can make it quite slow if all weights are computed for every terms in every document even if the user query contains only a handfull of terms. In a search engine, this operation needs to be performed on a very large number of documents, which is why we optimize our dot product by computing and adding only the terms present in the query. In a query of 10 words over our 237 000 distinct terms in the vocabulary, this results in a 23 700-fold factor which shows that a naive dot product simply won't do.


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