A simple python transpiler written in Rust. It introduces Slovenian translations for keywords and some built-in function.
| Slovenian | English |
| definiraj | def |
| za | for |
| v | in |
| dokler | while |
| vključi | import |
| iz | from |
| vrni | return |
| natisni | print |
| obseg | range |
| kot | as |
| vnos | input |
| če | if |
| drugače | else |
| drugačeče | elif |
| in | and |
| ali | or |
| razred | class |
| preveri | assert |
| zlomi | break |
| nadaljuj | continue |
| izbriši | del |
| razen | except |
| Ne | False |
| Da | True |
| končno | finally |
| globalno | global |
| je | is |
| Nič | None |
| nelokalen | nonlocal |
| ne | not |
| brez | pass |
| dvigni | raise |
| poskusi | try |
| z | with |
| dajaj | yield |
I built a simple tokenizer that splits keywords while keeping parts like string intact. Then I loop through all keywords and translate them using a hashmap.
If you want to use this program it is very simple download the .exe from Releases tab and if you want to use it anywhere add the file to Path. To run the code you must have Python installed on your system. Then you can simply run
piton [PATH]
Other options:
-t, --transpile PATH
Create a python file from .spy
-r, --run PATH Run the .spy program
-p, --preview PATH Preview transpiled .spy program
-h, --help Get help (output this screen)
If you want some basic syntax highlighting you can istalll VS Code extension from this repo. Go to releases and download the latest version. Then open extensions panel and click the 3-dots and select Install from VSIX.... Then select the downloaded file.
vključi random kot r
ugib = int(vnos("Vnesi št od 1-10: "))
naključna = r.randrange(1, 10)
dokler ugib != naključna:
če ugib > naključna:
ugib = int(vnos("Vnesi št od 1-10: "))
natisni(f"Bravo, naključna št je bila {naključna}")
If you find any bugs or issues open an Issue or make a pr.