Bitcoin Sweeper is a tool written in Node.JS to monitor Bitcoin addresses created from known/leaked private keys and sweep out any coins sent to that addresses.
Bitcoin Sweeper uses the following list of addresses created from known or potentially leaked private keys:
- Thousands of ordinal keys from the beginning and the end of Bitcoin key range
- Some keys from the middle and quarters parts of Bitcoin key range
- Private keys created from various passphrases (brainwallet)
- Private keys from Bitcoin transaction puzzle
- Nice private key patterns in Decimal
- Nice private key patterns in HEX
Bitcoin Sweeper connects to ZeroMQ address specified in the Bitcoin configuration,
subscribes to rawtx
channel and listens for all transactions relayed over
Bitcoin network. When coins are sent to the known Bitcoin address, the tool
creates a spending transaction and broadcasts it over Bitcoin network via
JSON-RPC command and pushtx API of popular block explorers.
To run Bitcoin Sweeper, you will need a full Bitcoin node with enabled ZeroMQ & JSON-RPC.
1. Setup Bitcoin node and enable JSON-RPC & ZeroMQ raw transaction publishing
Example bitcoin.conf:
2. Create config.js
Example config.js:
module.exports = {
zeromq: {
address: 'tcp://'
jsonrpc: {
rpchost: '',
rpcport: 8332,
rpcuser: 'test',
rpcpassword: 'test',
address: 'Your address'
3. Install required packages:
npm install
4. Run Bitcoin Sweeper:
npm run start
- P2WPKH, P2SH, P2WSH transaction types
- Add more networks
- Add more private keys
- Better network fees