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Navraj Chohan edited this page Jul 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

Monit is a process management tool used throughout AppScale to start and stop processes.

List processes

To see a summary of processes running on a node, run:

monit summary

or, alternatively:

monit status

The latter being more verbose.

See configuration files

AppScale generates configuration files and places them in /etc/monit/conf.d/. Here you can see the string it looks for to verify a process is still running. If a match is not made, it'll try to restart the process. Previous versions of AppScale used a ruby tool called "god", but it tied processes down to a pid number. Erlang processes would change pid over time causing issues where they would erroneously get restarted.

An example configuration file is "taskqueue-64839.cfg" in /etc/monit/conf.d/:

check process taskqueue-64839 matching "python /root/appscale/AppTaskQueue/"
  group taskqueue
  start program = "/bin/bash -c ' python /root/appscale/AppTaskQueue/ 1>>/var/log/appscale/taskqueue-64839.log 2>>/var/log/appscale/taskqueue-64839.log'"
  stop program = "/bin/kill -9 `ps aux | grep | awk {'print $2'}`"

Here we see a matching string required to make sure the process is still up, and then a start/stop command. You'll see a similar patterned for all other configuration files in this directory.

Reloading monit

Monit is installed and run as a service. So to either reload monit configurations:

service monit reload

Start/Stop/Restart monit

Similarly, you can run these other commands:

service monit start
service monit stop
service monit restart

Resource monitoring

For applications you'll see an additional statement:

  if totalmem > 400 MB for 10 cycles then restart

Which makes sure we don't have applications that use up too much memory. In this statement if we find that a process stays over 500MB for 10 straight cycles we'll restart the application. The limit here can be set in your AppScalefile as the "max_memory" parameter.

AppScale Source Code

Monit management and configuration files generation happen in two places:

  1. appscale/AppController/lib/monit_interface.rb
  2. appscale/lib/

Learn More

Monit can do much more than how AppScale uses it. You can have it send you emails if a failure is detected, or set different resource limits. Learn from from the official monit website.

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