This library is developed to provide different types of wheel pickers implemented using extended typescript.
npm install @ohos/libwheelpicker --save
You need to import the wheelpickers as per your choice like the following:
import {SingleOptionDialog, TimeSelection12, TimeSelection24, MonthDayDialog, YearMonthDialog, YearMonthDayDialog, YearMonthDayTimeDialog, BirthdayDialog } from "@ohos/wheelpicker"
Initialize the model data
model: SingleOptionDialog.Model= new SingleOptionDialog.Model();
Call the picker dialog
IntegerDialogController: CustomDialogController = new CustomDialogController({
builder: SingleOptionDialog({
model: this.IntegerDialog,
options: this.integerOptions,
selectedValue: this.selectedValue,
leftButtonString: this.leftButtonString,
leftButtonBgColor: this.leftButtonBgColor,
leftButtonTextColor: this.leftButtonTextColor,
rightButtonString: this.rightButtonString,
rightButtonBgColor: this.rightButtonBgColor,
rightButtonTextColor: this.rightButtonTextColor,
pickerTitle: this.pickerTitle,
pickerTitleFontSize: this.pickerTitleFontSize,
pickerHeight: this.pickerHeight,
cancel: this.onCancel,
confirm: this.onIntegerAccept
cancel: this.existApp,
autoCancel: true,
alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom
Initialize the model data
Integermodel: IntegerDialog.Model= new IntegerDialog.Model();
Integermodel: SingleOptionDialog.Model= new SingleOptionDialog.Model();
Birthdaymodel: BirthdayDialog.Model = new BirthdayDialog.Model();
TimeSelection24model: TimeSelection24.Model = new TimeSelection24.Model();
TimeSelection12model: TimeSelection12.Model = new TimeSelection12.Model();
MonthDayDialogmodel: MonthDayDialog.Model = new MonthDayDialog.Model();
YearMonthDialogmodel: YearMonthDialog.Model = new YearMonthDialog.Model();
YearMonthDayDialogmodel: YearMonthDayDialog.Model = new YearMonthDayDialog.Model();
YearMonthDayTimeDialogmodel: YearMonthDayTimeDialog.Model = new YearMonthDayTimeDialog.Model();
|---- WheelPicker
| |---- wheelpicker #wheel picker library
| |---- src
|---- main
|---- ets
|---- components
|---- birthdayPicker.ets
|---- monthDayPicker.ets
|---- singleOptionPicker.ets
|---- time12Picker.ets
|---- time24Picker.ets
|---- yearMonthDayPicker.ets
|---- yearMonthDayTimePicker.ets
|---- yearMonthPicker.ets
| |---- entry #Sample Code Folder
| |---- src
| |---- main
| |---- ets
| |---- MainAbility
| |---- pages
| |---- index..ets
Supports OpenHarmony API version 8
If you find any problems during usage, you can submit an Issue to us. Of course, we also welcome you to send us PR. Please enjoy and participate in open source freely.
Licensed under Apache-2.0 license
Design by : Susanto Mahato