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SQLite plugin for Cordova

This is a prototype of a cross-platform SQLite Cordova plugin. Android and iOS are currently supported

The goal is for a single JavaScript file to be usable on all supported platforms, and the native code to be installed in a project through a separate script (to install on iOS, you will need pluginstall version 0.3.1 or above)

The Structure

-- src
  -- android
  -- ios
    -- PGSQLitePlugin.h
    -- PGSQLitePlugin.m
-- www
  -- pgsqliteplugin.js


The plugin.xml file is loosely based on the W3C's Widget Config spec.

It is in XML to facilitate transfer of nodes from this cross platform manifest to native XML manifests (AndroidManifest.xml, App-Info.plist, config.xml (BB)).

PGSQLitePlugin JavaScript API

As with most Cordova/PhoneGap APIs, functionality is not available until the deviceready event has fired on the document. The pgsqliteplugin.js file should be included after the phonegap.js file.

All functions are called on the created PGSQLitePlugin object:

var db = new PGSQLitePlugin(name, successOpenDatabaseFunction, errorOpenDatabaseFunction)

name - database name
successOpenDatabaseFunction - success callback function, return arguments:
first argument - object: 
	obj.version - database version, 
	obj.status - number, 0 - database opened, 1 - database created, 2 - database created from resources
second argument - db - database object
errorOpenDatabaseFunction - error callback function


var db = new PGSQLitePlugin("testdb.sqlite3", function(dbResult, dbObject){
	console.log("Database status=" + dbResult.status);
	console.log("Database version=" + dbResult.version);
	db = dbObject;
}, function(err){
	console.log("Error create database::err=" + err);


open, error)

Open database function

success - success callback function
error - error callback function


db.close(success, error)

Close database function

success - success callback function
error - error callback function


PGSQLitePlugin.remove(dbName, success, error)

Remove database function

dbName - database name
success - success callback function
error - error callback function, first argument - object: 
	obj.status - 0 - database not exist, otherwice - other erorr 
	obj.message - error message


PGSQLitePlugin.remove("testdb.sqlite3", function(){
	console.log("database was removed");
}, function(err){
	console.log("error remove database::err.message=" + err.message + "::err.status="+err.status);


db.executeSql(sql, success, error)

Runs the provided SQL. If it is SELECT statment - return object res = { rows : [ {key: value}, {key: value1}, {key: value1} ] }, where key is field name

sql - sql query
success - success callback function
error - error callback function


db.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (testID TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, fio TEXT NOT NULL, adress TEXT)", function(){
	console.log( "table test was created" );
}, function(err){
	console.log("error creating table test::" + err);


db.insert(table, values, success, error)

Convenience method for inserting a row into the database.

table  - the table to insert the row into
values - this map contains the initial column values for the row. The keys should be the column names and the values the column values
success - success callback function - first paramert the row ID of the newly inserted row
error - error callback function


db.insert("test", { id_user : 100, name : "Username" }, function(id){ 
}, function(er){


db.update(table, values, where, whereArgs, success, error)

Convenience method for updating rows in the database

update(table, values, where, whereArgs, success, error)
table  - the table to insert the row into
values - a map from column names to new column values
where - the optional WHERE clause to apply when updating. Passing null will update all rows.
whereArgs - You may include ?s in where, which will be replaced by the values from whereArgs, in order that they appear in the where. The values will be bound as Strings.
success - success callback function - first paramert the number of rows affected
error - error callback function


db.update("test", {name : "New Username" }, "id = ?", [1], function(count){ 
}, function(er){


db.del(table, where, whereArgs, success, error)

Convenience method for deleting rows in the database

table  - the table to insert the row into
where - the optional WHERE clause to apply when updating. Passing null will update all rows.
whereArgs - You may include ?s in where, which will be replaced by the values from whereArgs, in order that they appear in the where. The values will be bound as Strings.
success - success callback function - first paramert the number of rows affected
error - error callback function


db.del("test", "id = ?", ["1"], function(count){ 
}, function(er){


db.query(table, columns, where, whereArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit, success, error)

Query the given table

table  - the table to insert the row into
columns - A list of which columns to return. Passing null will return all columns
where - the optional WHERE clause to apply when updating. Passing null will update all rows.
whereArgs - You may include ?s in where, which will be replaced by the values from whereArgs, in order that they appear in the where. The values will be bound as Strings.
groupBy - A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted as an SQL GROUP BY clause (excluding the GROUP BY it__self__). Passing null will cause the rows to not be grouped.
having - A filter declare which row groups to include in the cursor, if row grouping is being used, formatted as an SQL HAVING clause (excluding the HAVING it__self__).
orderBy - How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause (excluding the ORDER BY it__self__). Passing null will use the default sort order, which may be unordered
limit - Limits the number of rows returned by the query, formatted as LIMIT clause. Passing null denotes no LIMIT clause
success - success callback function - first paramert return object res = { rows : [ {key: value}, {key: value1}, {key: value1} ] }, where key is field name
error - error callback function


db.query("test", ["id", "name"], "count > ?", [100], null, null, "name", null, function(res){ 
	for (var i in res.rows){ 
		for (var key in res.rows[i]){ 
			console.log(key + "=" + res.rows[i][key] ); 
}, function(er){


db.transaction(fn, success, error)

SQL transaction

fn - transaction function
success - success callback function
error - error callback function


	tr.executeSql("SELECT * FROM test");
	tr.update("test_table", {data_num : 999}, "id = ?", [1]);
	tr.insert("test_table", {data_num : 333});
	tr.executeSql("SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id=1'");
}, function(){
	console.log("transaction completed");
}, function(){
	console.log("error transaction");

