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Everon Life

Releases Arma Reforger Workshop License MIT

Enfusion Database Framework

Warning This framework is still in BETA. Until version 1.0.0 there is no backward compatibility guarantee! Expect some bugs/performance issues and function signature updates until then. Feedback via issue or discussion is welcome.

A database framework to connect the Enfusion engine with SQL-, document- and local file databases.

Note Are you trying to persist the entire world state and not just a few self scripted db entites? Consider using EnfusionPersistenceFramework which is built on top of this project.

🚀 Features

  • ✅ Easy to setup your DB entities with the provided base classes
  • ✅ Built-in GUID generation for DB entities to avoid expensive roundtrips to the database
  • ✅ Powerful query builder to find DB entities by complex conditions
  • ✅ Sync (blocking) and Async (non-blocking) APIs for adding/updating, finding, and removing DB entities
  • ✅ Pagination and result sorting by nested properties
  • ✅ Optional repository pattern for easy strong typed results and re-useable queries.
  • 🚧 Migrations between storage backends e.g. JsonFile <-> Http:MySQL


  • InMemory for unit testing purposes
  • JsonFile local .json files for workbench development and small data volumes
  • BinaryFile local .bin files, same purpose as JSON but much smaller in filesize.
  • 🚧 BIBackend local/cloud synced .bin files stored in the Bohemia Interactive session backend.
  • 🚧 Http a web API proxy to other external storage services such as SQL and document databases.
    • ✅ Document Databases MongoDB
    • 🚧 SQL Databases SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL

📖 Documentation

Detailed information on the individual classes and best practices can be found here.

⚡ Quick start

class TAG_MyPersistentInfo : EDF_DbEntity
    float m_fNumber;
    string m_sText;

    //! Db entities can not have a constructor with parameters, this is a limitation of the engine.
    //! Consult the docs for more info on this.
    static TAG_MyPersistentInfo Create(float number, string text)
        TAG_MyPersistentInfo instance();
        instance.m_fNumber = number;
        instance.m_sText = text;
        return instance;

class EDF_QuickstartAction : ScriptedUserAction
    override void PerformAction(IEntity pOwnerEntity, IEntity pUserEntity)
        // Get the connection info as an attribute or parse it from CLI params etc.
        EDF_JsonFileDbConnectionInfo connectInfo();
        connectInfo.m_sDatabaseName = "MyJsonDatabase";

        // Get a db context instance and save it somewhere to re-use in e.g. a singleton
        EDF_DbContext dbContext = EDF_DbContext.Create(connectInfo);

        // For convenience interact with the DB context through a repository
        EDF_DbRepository<TAG_MyPersistentInfo> repository = EDF_DbEntityHelper<TAG_MyPersistentInfo>.GetRepository(dbContext);

        // Add some entries
        repository.AddOrUpdateAsync(TAG_MyPersistentInfo.Create(13.37, "Hello"));
        repository.AddOrUpdateAsync(TAG_MyPersistentInfo.Create(42.42, "World!"));

        // Now find hello
        EDF_DbFindCondition condition = EDF_DbFind.Field("m_sText").Contains("Hello");
        EDF_DbFindCallbackSingle<TAG_MyPersistentInfo> helloHandler(this, "FindHelloHandler");
        repository.FindFirstAsync(condition, callback: helloHandler);

    protected void FindHelloHandler(EDF_EDbOperationStatusCode statusCode, TAG_MyPersistentInfo result)
        PrintFormat("FindHelloHandler invoked! - StatusCode: %1",
            typename.EnumToString(EDF_EDbOperationStatusCode, statusCode));

        if (result)
            PrintFormat("Result: %1(id: %2, number: %3, text: %4)",
                result, result.GetId(), result.m_fNumber, result.m_sText)

You should see this in your script console after executing the user action

FindHelloHandler invoked! - StatusCode: SUCCESS
Result: TAG_MyPersistentInfo<0x0000020D41100670>(id: 646e0c40-0000-0000-32cd-65805811b000, number: 13.37, text: Hello)

And in your profile find these two files

  • profile/.db/MyJsonDatabase/MyPersistentInfos/646e0c40-0000-0000-32cd-65805811b000.json
  • profile/.db/MyJsonDatabase/MyPersistentInfos/646e0c40-0000-0001-1a8d-352051eea400.json

And inside 646e0c40-0000-0000-32cd-65805811b000.json

    "m_sId": "646e0c40-0000-0000-32cd-65805811b000",
    "m_fNumber": 13.36999,
    "m_sText": "Hello"