A small robot that tells you when the bus is coming. It runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Scroll pHat HD
You will need to export these env variables:
export TFL_APP_ID="secret"
export TFL_APP_KEY="secret"
export NERVES_NETWORK_SSID="secret"
export NERVES_NETWORK_PSK="secret"
You can register for an API account at https://api.tfl.gov.uk
Then you can tell the Robot which bus stop you care about and how long does
it take you to get there. Open config/config.exs
and set bus_line
and walking_time_in_minutes
in this section:
config :tee_eff_elle,
target: Mix.target(),
config: %{
bus_line: "390",
bus_stop: "490000008W",
walking_time_in_minutes: 10,
tfl_app_id: System.get_env("TFL_APP_ID"),
tfl_app_key: System.get_env("TFL_APP_KEY")
It's time to build your Nerves app:
export MIX_TARGET=rpi0
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create firmware with
mix firmware
- Burn to an SD card with
mix firmware.burn
Then you can connect a USB cable to the port marked as "USB" and run:
ping nerves.local
Until your Pi starts responding. Then you can connect to it with:
ssh nerves.local