Modded 4D WP Toolbar with more features and colored icons
See releases on the right side to download the specific version matching to
• 4D v18r3 = v19.x
• 4D v19r3
• 4D v19r5
• 4D v19r8 = v20.x
WP Toolbar as a timesaver, here is my modern interpretation of the 4D Write Pro Toolbar, based on the original source from 4D (
• arrangement of the icons according to my needs
• remove the light blue toolbar style
• font PopUp as hierarchic PopUp
• font PopUp also shows the subfonts
• font PopUp shows the last used fonts in the document
• customize table and cell formats to selectively set frames on the left, top, right, bottom.
• and a few more small adjustments
I have added some color sets with Photoshop. So everyone can choose a favorite color
To replace the color, simple replace inside the component - resources - Images the folder Toolbar1 and/or Toolbar2 with the matching folder from the other color toolbars folder Then you have to compile the source again and build as component
To test my source, just run this sample form:
Extended table formatting commands:
Hierarchic font popup menu:
4D WritePro interface offers a set of palettes and a toolbar, which allow end users to easily customize a 4D Write Pro document.
A 4D developer can easily implement these palettes in his application. Thus the end user can handle all 4D Write Pro properties such as: fonts, text alignment, bookmarks, table layout, frames, ...
For more details, read the 4D WritePro Interface documentation ( and the 4D Blog (
Documentation to compile a component for 4D: (
Please note v19rXX versions do not match v19.XX 4D versions. If you are using v19.5,
then you need to download the latest v18rxx version from me.
A Github account is not necessary.
Download from Releases my WP Toolbar Source for your matching 4D v19 version.
Open the modern 4DWritePro Toolbar.4DProject project file
Compile the source
- Create the component from the project source: open Build Application... command in the Design menu of 4D
a) Name the component as you like, for example like this
b) Create the component
- Copy the created component into your active “Components” folder
Open your 4D project or binary database in source mode
Open the desired form where the WParea widget with the WP Toolbar is located. (You can create preconfigured 4D Write Pro areas using the 4D Write Pro objects found in the Object library)
- Select the 4D Write Pro Toolbar widget and assign the WPmodern_Toolbar (modern WritePro Toolbar) as input form
- Change the WP UpdateWidget method (inside WParea) to WPmodern UpdateWidget
Thats it