extreme-carpaccio Java based server implementation
$ mvn clean install
Overrides configuration with VM argument.
Dashboard ---------------> | |
| SpringBoot Web | {WebController.java} ...> {Players.java}
Player registration -----> | | ^
| | /
| ----------------------- | ...'
| | {Game.java} .........'
Player 1 <--------- | | : `....> {QuestionGenerator.java}
Player 2 <--------- | RxNetty Clients | v
... | / Observable | {RxNettyDispatcher.java}
Player n <--------- | |
- thecodinggame.groovy, invalid-insurance.groovy, insurance-iteration-1.groovy, technical-invalid-requests.groovy
STEP 1 : with each weight at 0.0 except insurance-iteration-1 at 1.0
line 120 --> change data (uncomment) RULES = cover (basic 1.8) * nb travellers * duration days (return date - departure date)
STEP 2 : weight at 0.0 for all except thecodinggame at 1.0
goal : let the team slices RULES = cover * sum risk travellers * min (7, duration days) * country + options
STEP 3 : in thecodinggame.quote(), set phase3On to True, then play with the multiple if
RULES = ANNOUNCE changes, and uncomment/add if cases BONUS : start to send invalid quotes, by modifying the weight of invalid-insurance and codingame
STEP 4 : TDD - change frequency (less for more TDD), activate roman by setting phase4On to True in thecodinggame.quote()
STEP 5 : replace the nextQuestion with the commented one REPLACE FOR IT5
RULES : find offers to send instead of quote, offers format is an array like {"offers":["off1","off2"]}
"quantities" : [1, 3, 6, 2],
"prices" : [1.2, 3.6, 7.5, 8.2],
"reduction": "Standard|HalfPrice|PayThePrice",
"country": "NL"
"question":"Which word in the list designate a programming language?",
"question":"What is 4 plus 5?"
"quote": 234.5,