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Coding was mostly focussed on DOM Manipulation and I would have appreciated more worked exercises as it was definitely all new to me and the syntax will take some time to understand and save to memory.
Links to work completed below:
This was rather painful but after a bit of trial and error and some tutorials I picked up the basic git process via the Cloud 9 IDE. Git status, add ., reset .,commit & push. I would probably like to review a bit more about Git now that I understand the basic premise around how it works so that I am better prepared when it comes to working in a team environment. I cloned the repo as my commits were not counting to my contributions graph when working with the forked version of the 100DaysofCode Repo.
Spent several hours following the code along to the Color Guessing Game Project. I did pause the videos in areas to build sections of the project I had a handle on before Colt showed the solution. I think I would have still struggled to build this entirely on my own, especially in a couple of hours. The project did give me a good oppurtunity to further understand and utilise the recent teachings in DOM manipulation which had gone a little over my head. JQuery next!
Read a couple of intersting articles on Medium and watched an episode of the Coding Train on Youtube. The guy makes building a neural network look so easy, I hope I get to that level of proficiency eventually. The JQuery module was a bit of a let down, only one very basic exercise and lots of video content. Colt presents the information well and i'm glad he spent more time on vanilla JS DOM manipulation first. FCC does it the other way around and I found it easier to put context around JQuery's use this time around due to the order in which the content was delivered.
- JQuery Exercise
- Coding Train - Neuroevolution Flappy Bird: Part 2
- How Machine Learning is Changing Software Development
Spent most of the day doing the code along to the Todo List Project. Its starting to feel like the entirety of this Udemy course is going to be just code alongs which is not going to be as beneficial to my learning as I first thought. I'm definately still learning a lot and it's great to see an experienced Developer like Colt work through a project so I can get used to understanding the process. The JQuery Library seems relatively straight forward and definately simplifies vanilla JS DOM Manipulation. Almost onto the backend part of the course now. Planning to get back into the FCC curriculum and aim towards finishing the front end certificate. I find FCC throws you in the deep end and expects you to sink or swim which I think I am now ready to take on that challenge.
Had some good fun learning about paper.js and playing around with the examples on their website with my kids. Did not get time to finish the exercise as I hit a brickwall trying to figure out how to get correct syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 3 for paperscript. After well over an hour of troubleshooting I gave up and will just resort to using a different text editor like Notepad++ or VS Code when using paperscript in future.
Spent a good amount of time hitting my head against a brick wall trying to read through docs and have the canvas display a 10 x 10 purple grid of circles using paperJS. I managed to get it working but on looking at the solution video was disappointed with how simple the solution was.
Finished the paperJS project and loaded it up to codepen. Had a lot of issue trying to figure out how to get sound files hosting and working on codepen but I got there in the end. Also had a bit of a hard time figuring out how to have the document running on localhost to get rid of the error messages. I managed to get that one sorted as well once I realised something was not enabled. Back end part of the course starts next which I'm really looking forward too.
Sections completed include: Backend Basics, The Command Line, Node JS & Server Side Frameworks. I just have the Express Basics Exercise to complete to finish Section 23. I'm hoping to knock out a couple of sections per day and have the entire course finished by the end of next week. I also spent some time further updating my codepen account with some of my work to share and made another attempt at getting my Github page looking more how I like it, as yet I am unsuccesful. On a final note PaperJS codepen got chosen as a picked pen, stoked!
Progress: Completed the express assignment on Colt's Udemy course and continued with intermediate Express
Completed the assignment albeit requiring a couple of hints for the final bits of the it. Problem areas were setting up the kev value pairs for the animal sounds then accessing those pairs as well as the showing the string looped num times with spaces in between. Spent some more time in the evening with intermediate but i'm falling asleep at the wheel and think I need to take a break. In a pizza coma right now!
Up to Section 26 in Colt's Web Dev Bootcamp on Udemy. Started the final YelpCamp Project and made a short video just highlighting some of the small pieces that are done so far. Will probably upload the backend files into my Github repo over the coming days just so everything is in the same place. I definately think I need to start doing some of my own work for a while once i'm done with this course to cement what I have learned recently.
A lot of interuptions today but managed to fit a couple of night owl hours after downing a couple bottles of wine. Completed the YelpCamp Basics and have the home, campgrounds and add campgrounds page routes working and some basic styling with Bootstrap. Will provide an update video tomorrow when I am have more time to do it properly.
Put in a solid days work on my last day of annual leave trying to finish of Colt's course on Udemy. Continued progressing through the YelpCamp project and then detoured to build a RESTful Blog App. I really enjoyed this code along and I think with practice this process should become relatively straight forward as there isn't much requirement for algorithmic thinking, more so just syntax and styling. Video link of the blog below:
Progress: Did some work on Section 30 - Data Associations and created a new Extras.md file on my my_coding_journey repo
Spent a fair amount of time building my Extras.md addition to my main repository which I hope to share with the community. The article that inspired the change really hit home on a few points that I think will add a lot of value to my journey, the people I connect with and the content and share with the online community.
Progress: Travelling to Sydney so hard to get too much work done. Spent some time reading into how to contribute to FCC Open Source on Github
Did some reading on research on the FCC Github repo as to how to get started making contributions to their beginner and starter issues. Watched another video series on contributing to Open Source and how to set up Git and work with repository maintainers. I set up a GIT key for my local PC but I think I'll continue to work within the CLoud 9 IDE as I am more familiar with it.
Spent a couple of hours and had to give up so I could get some sleep for work tomorrow (or later today!) Wanted to get the setup for FCC sorted but couldnt figure out how to get a recent enough version of Mongodb via Cloud 9 so tried to set it up on my local computer. Could get Mongod & Mongo working but could not for the life of me get the windows service working properly. Try again tomorrow I guess!
Well several more hours trying to set up the development environment to contribute to FCC. They make it so god dam hard, the tutorials are pretty vague in a lot of areas. The only thing I have left to do is do the final git bas commands without error and get the clone to work on localost3000. Hoping i'll get some assistance to help get me over this last hump because I'm running out of ideas.
Finally managed to get through everything required to get FCC running locally yipee! Hit another hiccup near the finish line with a 3D bug but after 5-6 attempts different password links I found one that I got to work as it looked pretty close the comment found on the bug report. Looks like there are no first timer issues available on FCC right so I think i'll go back and finish the Web Dev Course off.
Not much too report really, spent a couple of hours reading and playing around with my MEAN stack setup and testing it on my local PC
Focused on MVC, how Node.js works and connecting MongoDB. Nothing too exciting and looking forward to getting back to my courses.
Worked through YelpCamp comments and was introduced to authentication. Produced a working authentication login,login,register process.
Added authentication to the YelpCamp site, refactored routes and assigned user associations to comments and campgrounds. Added update and destroy functionality to the campgrounds and just need make sure that also has authentication controls tomorrow.
Training tonight always eats into my coding time but i manage to get in a good hour and half trying to finish off this YelpCamp Project. Hit a couple of bugs in my code that took up my time finding and correcting but good experience none the less. Added Authorisation controls to edit/delete campgrounds plus added an edit button to the comments and created edit/update routes.
"1 step forward and 2 steps back" would sum up tonight pretty well. Decided to slow down the pace and spent some of the night styling the login, signup and create/edit pages of the site prior to it being done in the code along. Managed to do it pretty easily and did an upate and fresh for each style to see how it effected the rendered page. Also spent some time reviewing bootstrap docs. Got stuck for over an hour on a bug to find out it was just a missing "c" in success grrrrrr.... Not long left on the course now I think the hardest part is behind me.
Added a cool landing page, included dynamic price feature and made some minor aesthetic changes. Thought I was finished until I hit the last slide which includes a barage of different optional UI improvements.
Most of the extra components are now added into the project. Managed to finish the hamburger menu, pricing feature, google maps location and finally the time since created functionality with moment js.
Still pushing on through these optional extras for the YelpCamp project. I'm really enjoying it. Fixed up the routes so all comments attached to a campground are deleted if the campground gets deleted. Also added user admin functionality and a user profile. Still a solid few hours left of coding to finish off all these extras over the weekend.
Had to deal with a few bugs today but added fuzzy search and a password reset feature. Hoping to get the rest finished in a big day tomorrow.
Finally finished the course after successfully deploying it on Heroku. Link provided in the description. What to do next hmmmmm....
Progress: Went back to FCC, went back over the Jquery tutorials quickly and got started on the Tribute Page Project
Nothing too exciting today, decided I would detour back to FCC to re-attempt a couple of FCC front end projects and the basic javascript algorithms before I head back to do Colt Steele's advanced web developer bootcamp. Once I have a few projects under my belt without any reference to the answers I think i'll go back to CS50 and finish that off.
Progress: Spent today messing around with VS Code trying to set it all up and playing around with different lint configs
Nothing exciting, just setting up VScode and setting up linting configs
Played around with the bootstrap 4 extension in VS Code and raised an issue on the github page for what I believed was incorrect default code for two of the alert triggers. Will continue working my way through it this week and then get the tribute page done.
I'm about half way through the Bootstrap Documentation. Have made a couple of preliminary items for the tribute page along the way. Nothing much else really interesting to report except that I revisted Cybrary today and I think i'll finish the Comp TIA A+ course at some point in the near future as it looks really interesting.
Nothing interesting to report, will get the Tribute Page completed tomorrow, no frills.
Well I realised today I have a whole lot to learn in the realm of website design. Happy that I finished the entire project "on my own" only referring to Bootstrap Docs and google search to find answers to queries that I had. I loaded it up on Github and my Codepen Account
Started progressing through Colt Steele's advanced developer bootcamp and then met a guy to start pair programming with. It was good to finally do some pair programming and conversation with another aspiring programmer.
Spent the evening trawling the web researching ideas for my portfolio project. I want to learn a lot on this portfolio project and I want to do a good job. I found some great resources and made reference to them in file in my working directory. Codrops is an absolutely awesome site!
Spent the evening working through Colt Steeles Keyframe exercise for the sunset/sunrise cycle. Changing colour skys, sun and sun arch.
Really wanted to make my sunset cycle responsive on my own so went about doing just that. I think I did it so it looked nice. Only the iphone 5 resolution looked a bit out of wack but who cares about iphone5 right? Probably lots of people.....
Completed a few exercises that were not code alongs which made for an interesting challenge I enjoyed. Just about finished the holy grail responsive design but it's about to hit midnight and I want to make sure I make my daily update in time. Also managed to help somebody on #100daysofCode with responsive nav design which which a nice experience. All exercise links below.
Finished the responsive web site project on Colt's Course and then started researching templates and tried to ascertain whether it is a waste of time to get very good at front end with such strong templates all over the internet already. I think having a moderate understanding of the syntax and responsive design should be sufficient. Also spent some time using HTTrack to clone some sites and play around with templates to try and learn some of these cool animations.
Very happy to have finished the hero website template with what I believe is now a fully responsive design from 300px - 4k. Also put together a quick youtube tutorial on using github images in your codepens. Now back to finishing the advanced CSS course on Udemy!
This advanced CSS Course is really great and the instructor is providing some great tips which is helping a lot with structuing my CSS more modularly as well as usual shortcuts in my editor. I'm learning a lot and i'm keen to get stuck into the projects more. Also finished all the intro stuff on the comp tia a+ course too.
Learning about SASS and SCSS and then compiling it has given me a lot of perspective about how I can approach styling in a much more professional manner. That responsive hero website I posted back on day 47 really needs to be completely redone as I now see it as a messy piece of crap in dire need of refactoring haha.
Progress: Night turned into a shit fight with VS Code and getting the SASS live server to function and compile my code
Continued with the course but got stuck on bugs in VS Code. Not happy, nothing more to say for tonight!
Managed to fix my VS Code before logging off last which I was quite please with. Today was not as productive as I would have like with several interruptions but I definately got in a solid hour or two of coding and watching vids.
Progress: Created a tutorial vid to help people sign into FCC on the new platform plus progressed with the CSS Course
Typical night on the computer. When i want to make a quick video I can't use geforce broadcast. Found a tool that did the job and then it saved in the wrong format. Long story short I got it working and uploaded to youtube and shared on social media. Hopefully it ends up being helpful to somebody. Continued progressing through the advanced css course and finished the second section of the page.
Started quite late tonight so just spent a couple of hours doing some easy stuff. Watched some vids on Cyrbary about different storage devices and then did quite a few of the new questions in the FCC Curriculum. Plan to spend the weekend really going hard on the Advanced CSS Course. I'm hoping I can get the entire course finsihed!
Progress: Finished all the responsive questions on FCC and progressed through the advanced CSS Course
In the AM i did all the responsive section questions in FCC so I just have to finish the 5 projects to finally get a certificate on that platform. In the PM continued on with the Natours project in the advanced CSS course. Spent most of the time trying to create this flipping card effect in the code along which was pretty tricky. It is going to take a lot of practice and projects to be able to do this stuff on my own.
Added several new sections to the webpage and lots of animations and functionality. Should have all of part 2 completed tomorrow night and onto the final part to make the site responsive.
Pretty unproductive night. Hit a few hiccups in the code along that delayed me, then I helped some guys on gitter with their code. I also realised tonight even though I could copy the elements of this particular website again I still have a lot of trouble doing something on my own from scratch. I have to get better at designing the layout and framework of the page.
Watched a few Cybrary vids which I'm starting to just think is a waste of time and then jumped into the final responsive section of the Natours project. Jonas always makes it look so easy and I guess it is if you know what you are doing, where to change and styling to do to change it. I guess that all comes with time. Still really enjoying the course but this responsive section is not as enjoyable creating the features.
Groundhog day! Basically did the same as yesterday watched some vids then continued making the Natours site responsive. I definately feel the same way as yesterday that Jonas rushed this section of his course a little bit smashing out each section without any deep explanation. I'll give the popup card a go on my own tomorrow night and try and finish the responsive section and Natours Project then load onto Github.
Finished all of the content on the Natours Project but tomorrow night I would like to finish making the popup responsive before loading to Github and saying I have completed it. Looking forward to the Flex project that is up next!
Trying to get this dam popup responsive for the Natours project so I can call it finished and move on but I have trouble with even the simplest of issues. Going to keep going to night and hopefully have it loaded up on the gittest of hubs before I go to bed.
Did not get as much time as I would have like to in today but still would have got in an hour. Spent some time working on fixing minor bugs in the live version of the Natours Project. The animations weren't loading correctly and some anchor tags were not playing nice in mobile view which I needed fixed
Finished the project this morning and I happy with how it all works now from desktop to mobile. It isn't perfect in 2k-4k monitor range but i'm not overly concerned with that as it does not seem to be a big focus in the web space at this point in time. Now i'm going to get proper stuck into Project 2...cya tomorrow!
Started and almost finished the much smaller project 2 which focuses on Flex but Jonas cleverely manages to introduce other cool design tricks in to keep things interesting. I'm hoping to have this entire course finished by the end of the next week. Met somebody on Twitter today who wants to do the CS50 course so I think i'm going to go back and tackle that one next.
Not much to say, finished the project it was quite fun and I still have lots to learn in regards to Flex or more specifically I need to practice, practice, practice! Links to the live demo below.
Went through all the intro lessons and exercises for the CSS Grid Course. Will get started on the main project tomorrow with the aim to have the entire course finished by the weekend. My next goal is to complete the responsive certificate on FCC as well as complete CS50.
Spent some time revising psets from last year so I could refamiliarize myself with C again. It is going to be a difficult unit but I really need to be able to pass the dam intro unit if I really want to pursue this path I have started on to become proficient in programming. Also met another guy off twitter who is doing the course which should make it more enjoyable to share the journey with.
Attending my first meetup with the Perth Machine Learning Group. It was a bit nerve wracking especially at the end having to give a brief summary of our groups conversation but it was enjoyable and now I feel I must also begin the fast.ai journey... another thing to add to the list!
I'm starting the understand the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox and I am getting to like Grid more then I did initially. Hopefully I can get the entire course finished tomorrow which will allow me to move onto CS50 and fast.ai. I have also organised a FCC local meetup which I'm really looking forward. I'm feeling less anxious about this one compared to the one on Thursday since I organised it.
Went to a two hour meetup with a group of other local coders doing the FCC curriculum. I have wrote enough about it on their forums and the Perth FreeCodeCamp forum I won't go into much detail here. It was definately worthwhile and will be doing it again next month.
I have a lot to learn and practice in C and writing programs in general it isn't easy. I managed to get it complete but not without assistance....again. Retraining my brain to thinking in code is not going to happen overnight!
Another hour or so and i'll be done with the course. It's been a terrific learning experience but I still have a long way to go to master modern front end web design CSS, Flex and Grid. Will host the final project and link tomorrow night.
Finished the course tonight and made some slight modifications of my own to the site as I did like how Jonas used Grid in the footer so I switched it to flex.
Taking a break from Udemy Courses to focus on some Edx courses I put on hold and want to catch up on. Currently have two intro CS courses, an advanced CSS course and how to do simple code. Should take me a few months to get them all done. I'm hoping to get the first couple of FCC certificates during that time as well.
Very long day so made sure to prioritise my hour on revision and watching some lectures in preparation for my CS50 pset Crack that I want to tackle this weekend.
I am making very slow progress on the crack.c exercise. I struggle the most with the C syntax as I find the documentation very hard to read and understand.
Once I figured out some of the C syntax bugs I was having the rest of the problem was relatively straight forward. The algo was definately not as efficient as I am sure it could be but it did the trick for up to 5 elements. It would definately become unmanigable if numbers, symbols or more digits came into play.
Had a busy day with the family and did not feel like getting stuck into the music pset on a Sunday arvo. Had a small CSS course that needed finishing before it expired so I gave that a crack and achieved the required pass rate to finish the course. I was quite dissappointed with this course and thought the previous Udemy Course was leagues ahead of it so I just skimmed through it and did not give it too much of my time.
Spent most of the day on the plane so just going to focus on tackling some JS exercises on FCC and watch a few Cybrary Vids then call it a day. Music with CS50 will be the focus of this week.
Got stuck for waaaaay too long on the record collection exercise on FCC to finally realise my error was due to not using a double = sign to test for equality. Got there in the end so alls well that ends well I guess.
Ended up having lots of non-coding distractions and delays tonight and watched the final episode of Mr. Robot for season 2. Managed to get my hour in though and progressed through a few challenges in the ES6 portion of the the FCC curriculum.
Man i am struggling with ES6. It seems like they have taken easy to understand code and shortened it all to the point of being very confusing. I've struggled all night and found reading the docs did not help with answering the questions leading the reviewing answers on the forums which I hate doing as I know this isn't productive learning. FRUSTRATED
Still hating on ES6 but I can see how I would use it as get more comfortable with javascript and coding in general.
Not getting much time to code due to work constraints but managed to fit in a solid hour on Regular Expressions and almost knocked the entire FCC section on the head in one sitting. This section is very easy however and some of the exercises have broken tests. Will raise and issue to resolve it.
Managed to progress some more through the FCC curriculum today. I am finding the debugging and basic data structures section quite easy as I have done quite a bit of work already in these area on some past projects as part of Udemy courses. Taking the rest of the night off to watch TAU.
Had a bit of a lazy night but got in my hour and progressed through half the basic data structures component of the FCC curriculum. I'm please that I instinctly chose to use terniary operators instead of if statements and have found to have understand all questions so far reasonably well with some general review of MDN to check syntax.
Progress: Finished the basic data structures section of FCC and recompleted some basic algo exercises
Quite please with myself tonight as I really figured out the solutions in way that was methodical and logical and made me feel like I was really starting to understand JS on a deeper level. I referred to MDN a few times but never took any hints. I also easily completed some basic algorithms which I remember I had to look for the answer to a while ago when I first attempted them.
On top of the little Lambda exercise I setup our next FCC meetup for next Saturday with the help of Karen and got the new meetup page up and running. I'm curious to know how far this little group may grow over the coming months.
Another night another basic challenge passed without looking at any hints. Very happy with my progress at the moment. Trying to spend some time looking at the more advanced solutions and I must say they are at another level but I can only get better by reading them and becoming familiar.
Well i'm back working on C for CS50 now that I am on home soil again. Like usual the C syntax is slowing me down significantly but i'm making steady progress. Currently stuck on testing my ternary operator syntax I am trying to implement to shorten the code in one of my functions.
Will hopefully have PSET3 finalised tomorrow, just need to finish frequency off. It was late when I got started so I decided to fit in the Week 3 lecture as well. 10 days to go for Round 1!
Went to an open source hack meetup which was pretty dead. Fortunately another member of the FCC meetup group came along se we got to setup the FCC local environment on our laptops and do our best to contribute to open source.
Had a good run on the algo's tonight doing all but one without any assistance. I did get stuck on the Slice & splice one however as I just couldn't get my head around the syntax and I was pretty tired at that stage. The previous challenge converting a string so that all first letters of each word is capital took me a while as well but I managed to get there in the end once I could figure out how to isolate the first character with charAt
Had fun finishing off the basic algo challenges tonight. I think my ability to solve these problems will improve as my understanding and memory of the JS methods improves. It was surpised to see one of my solutions was quite different to any of the provided solutions for one of the question using regex. I needed a bit of assistance to implement my regex exactly how I wanted but I got there in the end.
The exercises in OOP was quite easy and I breezed through them tonight. This is not saying I understand OOP yet though. I really need to get more practice utilising this programming approach in real problems before I think it sinks in. As for functional programming this is harder to grasp but I think FCC is spending sufficient time focusing on what functional programming is at it's core. It appears I will learn more about map, filter reduce which is definately something I want to become more comfortable with.
All this functional programming and callback stuff is going way over my head. I think I am going to have to find a better resource then FreeCodeCamp for the time being to research some more and come back as I don't want to just be referring to the answers every time and effectively learn nothing in the process.
Had fun today working out an algo solution that calculates how many possible variations of pricing tender submissions we would have to submit based on the number of contracts that were up for negotiation. The formula worked out to be answer = 2^numContracts - 1 which I got through trial and error but still not sure why that ended up being the growth pattern.
Not much coding today just spent a couple of hours at a freecodecamp meet up as part of my extra criteria for 100daysofcode. Had a great time and met a couple of new people. Really looking forward to the next one.
Made some progress on the final function in music. Hopefully I can get it done before my first 100 days have finished!
I'm finding my code very WET so i'm stalled a bit trying to refactor it so i'm not doubling up everything that I type. Swapping between C and Javascript is a pain, I miss JS so much when coming to C, everything is so long and drawn out to get to an answer.
I really enjoyed the tail end of the music pset as I just knew how to tackle all the problems I had to overcome without much issue. I kenw when to bring in a switch statement and implemented it flawlessly, I knew when to use ternary operators to store variables in a clean concise manner, I overcame the float issues to ensure the frequency was right and finished as an Int. I've never enjoyed listening to the bday jingle as much in my whole life haha. I some how jumped a day in front of my log so i'll just cram two days worth of work into this final post as I know I never missed a day over the last 100 days but my log is one day in front. Very confused!
Last edit: Also worked on the 18th reviewing pset4 and the cs50 short vids for the week on file points, dynamic memory allocation etc..