- Node v.12+ + Express + TypeScript
- GraphQL + Apollo Server
- MongoDB + Mongoose
- @hapi/joi
- bcryptjs
- nodemailer
- React 16.8+ + React Router + TypeScript
- GraphQL + Apollo Client
- Material-UI
- react-beautiful-dnd
- Yup
- Formik
- Docker + docker-compose
- api-gateway - 4000
- todos-service - 4001
- users-service - 4002
- web&server - 3000
- can signin/login
- can logout
- CRUD with own's todos
- CRUD with own's projects
- Drag&Drop with todos
- email confirmation when register
- if the email is not verified - prevent from usage
- if email verify the link is expired - add resend link option
- search by todo name & description
- user dashboard
- user can schedule when to do a new task
- section 'Today' shows today's todos
- section 'Overdue' for all spoiled over todos