Nash equilibria noncooperative games.
This tool serves to computing Nash equilibrium in noncooperative games.
python install
You can invoke the Nash equilibria computing with this parameters:
usage: neng [-h] -f FILE [-m {L-BFGS-B,SLSQP,CMAES,support_enumeration,pne}]
[-e] [-p] [-c] [-t {normalization,penalization}]
NenG - Nash Equilibrium Noncooperative Games.
Tool for computing Nash equilibria in noncooperative games.
All pure Nash equilibria in all games (--method=pne).
All mixed Nash equilibria in two-players games (--method=support_enumeration).
One sample mixed Nash equilibria in n-players games (--method={CMAES,L-BFGS-B,SLSQP}).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE File where game in nfg format is saved.
-m {L-BFGS-B,SLSQP,CMAES,support_enumeration,pne},
--method {L-BFGS-B,SLSQP,CMAES,support_enumeration,pne}
Method to use for computing Nash equlibria.
-e, --elimination Use Iterative Elimination of Strictly Dominated
Strategies before computing NE.
-p, --payoff Print also players payoff with each Nash equilibrium.
-c, --checkNE After computation check if found strategy profile is
really Nash equilibrium.
-t {normalization,penalization}, --trim {normalization,penalization}
Method for keeping strategy profile in probability
distribution universum.
Level of logs to save/print
--log-file LOG_FILE Log file. If omitted log is printed to stdout.
File format comes from gambit file formats
You can find current API documentation at readthedocs.
Every commit neng is built and tested using Travis CI. You can see result at neng travis page.
This program result from my bachelor thesis (in czech). In thesis are described basic math rules of Game theory and algorithms used in the program. It also contains some experiments and testing. But naturally development is moving forward and thesis is becoming obsolete with every commit.
This program is licensed under MIT license.