MinPath is an app that demonstrates use of Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest path in a 2d grid.
The app uses the MVVM model of code structuring. Components and their are as follows:
- Model - Contains model of the cell in grid.
- MinPathViewModel - Contains and manipulates the LiveData objects.
- GridService - Contains the business logic to find the min path.
- MinPathActivity - Holds the view.
- Android
- Kotlin
Clone and build the source code on android studio or download the apk. Once installed:
- Click on any cell to create a path blocker
- Click on 'Find Path' to see the shortest path (if possible).
- Click replay(at top right) to reset the board.
- Click help(at top left) for more instructions.
- Twitter - @_Arvind_Mehra
- Linkdin - Arvind Mehra