This package is based and should be a drop-in replacement of the original scratchblocks one.
This packages:
- is a complete rewrite of the code
- no more 1000+ lines long files
- better OO structure (using ES6 classes)
- files are better organized and in a more understandable manner
- better doc inside the code
- provides type safety (thanks to TypeScript)
- makes the code much more easily upgradable
- is language agnostic
- doesn't consider English being the default, at least in the code (only as the default locale)
- decouples the view (render) from the model
- makes it possible to add new blocks, sources of blocks, renderers and project loaders easily
- new features
- allows to import Scratch projects
- doesn't rely on the translations from the Scratch website
- original package wasn't updated with newer translations anyway
- translation changes don't need approval from the Scratch Team
This package is divided in multiple folders:
the library in itself (and UMD module)docs
a small website for testing / messing around purposeslambda
the code when setting up a SAAS instance (Google Cloud Platform in this case)test
the tests for the whole package
Thank you to the original authors of the scratchblocks library.
See the file.