TL;DR Hello and welcome, this challenge is based on building a Permission Request application with multiple technologies.
For this challenge we are asked to create an permission web application with the following requirements:
- Create ASP.NET Core Web API Application.
- Use SQL Server as database and create Permission and PermissionType tables.
- Use Repository, Unit Of Work and CQRS repository patterns.
- Create endpoints for 'Request Permission', 'Edit Permission', 'Get All Permissions'.
- Persist each operation in kafka.
- Create ReactJS Web Application.
- Web Application must use Material UI React components.
- Consume endpoints listed above.
- Write unit and integration tests for those endpoints.
- Must integrate with elasticsearch
Running this application on your local machine is very simple, you only need docker and docker compose, if you have installed docker desktop, you're good to go. run this command:
docker compose up -d