This is a complete face recognition project with a few clicks the application has the capability to collect
datasets using a webcam, train itself and do predictions in real-time.
Programming language: Python 3.6
Deep Learning Framework: MXNET, Keras
Desktop App: Tkinter
Image Processing: OpenCV
Face Detection Algorithm: MTCNN
Face Recognition Algorithm: Arcface
Step 1 : open your anaconda prompt (for windows user search inside start menu )
(for Ubuntu and Mac user you can open your terminal)
Step 2 : Create a new environment
command : conda create -n facerecognition python==3.6.9
Step 3 : activate your environment
conda activate facerecognition
Step 4 : Install requirements.txt in the newly created environment
a). Navigate to your folder location on anaconda prompt/teminal
for me ( /PycharmProjects/FaceRecogAcademy )
for your folderName
b). Check if we have requirements.txt or not in the current directory
command : for windows (dir)
for Mac/Ubuntu(ls)
datasets, How to run.txt, requirements.txt, src
you should see the above mentioned name of files.
if yes:
Your are good to go
elif No:
Please check the steps again you must have missed something
Step 5 : Installation and setup is done:
a). cd src
b). python
Yor are good to go !!
The GUI created using Tkinter will look like below:
Step 1: Click on Take Imgeas to collect the dataset usign Webcam (Default = 50 Images).
Step 2: Click on Train Images for Training.
Step 3: Click on Predict to do real-time Face Recoognition.
The GUI will look like :
Video Showing real time face recognition :