Easy galleries of photos and more built on top of AssetHost. You can find an example implementation on my website at ericrichardson.com/gallery/
The client code is a Coffeescript app using Backbone.js.
AssetHost can be found at github.com/SCPR/AssetHost
AssetHost installation, configured in your app via AssetHost and AssetHost
Authentication system that defines @current_user and @current_user.is_admin?
Layout that looks to @PAGE_TITLE for title info
1) Add the plugin to your Gemfile:
gem 'asset_gallery', :git => 'git://github.com/ewr/AssetGallery.git'
Run ‘bundle install`
2) Mount AssetGallery’s routes. In config/routes.rb:
mount AssetGallery::Engine => '/gallery', :as => :gallery
3) Install and run migrations
rake asset_gallery:install:migrations rake db:migrate