This Julia package displays CPU and RAM usage information on your computer. If necessary, one can show GPU usage.
To install Julia on macOS or Linux, run the following command in your terminal:
$ curl -fsSL | sh
For Windows, you can install Julia using the following command in PowerShell:
PS> winget install julia -s msstore
After installation, you can confirm Julia is installed by running:
$ julia --version
Clone the repository and navigate to the directory:
$ git clone
$ cd TerminalSystemMonitor.jl
To resolve dependencies, ensure you are in the correct directory, then activate the Julia environment and instantiate the project:
$ pwd
$ ls
Project.toml main.jl src
$ julia -q
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()
Run the program using the following commands:
$ ls
Project.toml main.jl src
$ julia --project main.jl
You will see an output similar to this:
│ ┌ ┐││ ┌ ┐│
│id: 0┤■■■ 24 ││id: 4┤■ 10.1 │
│id: 1┤ 0 ││id: 5┤ 0 │
│id: 2┤■■ 13.9 ││id: 6┤■ 6 │
│id: 3┤ 0 ││id: 7┤ 0 │
│ └ ┘││ └ ┘│
│ ┌ ┐││ ┌ ┐│
│id: 8┤■ 6 ││id: 12┤ 3 │
│id: 9┤ 0 ││id: 13┤ 0 │
│id: 10┤■ 5 ││id: 14┤ 2 │
│id: 11┤ 0 ││id: 15┤ 0 │
│ └ ┘││ └ ┘│
│ ┌ ┐ │
│Mem: ┤■■■■■■ 58.859 64.0 GiB │
│ └ ┘ │
│ Load average: 1.81 2.4 2.73 │
│ Uptime: 0 days, 10:35:59 │
Alternatively, you can launch the functionality directly from Julia:
$ julia --project
julia> using TerminalSystemMonitor; monitor()
Please load CUDA.jl
package in advance:
julia> using CUDA; using TerminalSystemMonitor; monitor()
You might be familiar with the htop-dev/htop, which provides similar functionality. You can use the htop
command in Julia as follows:
julia> using Htop_jll; run(Htop_jll.htop())
However, Htop_jll
only supports Unix-based systems. The TerminalSystemMonitor.jl package also supports Windows as long as Term.jl and UnicodePlots.jl are available on the platform.
You can also use ClementTsang/bottom, also known as the btm
$ btm -b
We could use bottom_jll
julia> using bottom_jll; run(`$(btm()) --basic`)
Our Julia package TerminalSystemMonitor.jl offers a cross-platform solution and adopts responsive design; chaging layout nicely based on your terminal size.
Technically yes, however, you may want to chekcout context-labs/mactop or tlkh/asitop to start instantly. To get information regarding GPU, we need to call powermetrics
command which requires root privilege. If you are familiar with Rust language, vladkens/macmon is what you need. It states "sudoless performance monitoring for Apple Silicon processors".