Performance tests of libraries implementing LINQ in PHP. Only full-featured high-quality libraries are included: YaLinqo, Ginq and Pinq. The following cases are covered, where possible:
- raw PHP using
cycles - raw PHP using array functions and closures
- YaLinqo using closures
- YaLinqo using string lambdas
- Ginq using closures
- Ginq using property accessors
- Pinq using closures
Other librararies are garbage and aren't worth using: LINQ for PHP, Phinq, PHPLinq and Plinq (see links to articles below for more information).
Libraries not implementing LINQ aren't included in this test: Underscore.php.
See Gist (PHP 5.5.14 on Windows 7 SP1 64 bit).
- CodeProject article (English): LINQ for PHP comparison: YaLinqo, Ginq, Pinq.
- Habrahabr article (Russian): LINQ for PHP: speed matters.