Athenz 1.7.45 Release
The Athenz team is happy to announce the availability of v1.7.45 release of Athenz. This release includes the following set of bug fixes and enhancements.
#417 fix support for aws temp creds for roles with paths
#427 and #437 wait configurable number of minutes (default 10mins) for the athenz key/cert files in the cert context refresher (property: athenz.cert_refresher.key_wait_time - in minutes)
#430 Return DENY_ROLETOKEN_EXPIRED instead of DENY_ROLETOKEN_INVALID when the token is expired
#433 daily auto cleanup of expired cert records
#435 reuse s3 client during initial load of domains in aws
#436 Update Jetty to 9.4.9.v20180320 and other dependency packages to their latest releases.
#438 Fix token/creds prefetch when using ssl context
#439 add read only mode of operation to ZTS (property: athenz.zts.read_only_mode)
If you would like to report a bug or suggest an enhancement, please file an issue on the Athenz GitHub page:
Best Regards,
Athenz Development Team