I am creating this project to explore the most used technologies in API creation in ASPNET Core, to gain knowledge and improve my skills.
- Project created, adding the project
In this first commit I added the base of the project. Adding some packages: Dapper (2.1.35)
- Added DTO, Service, Interfaces and controllers
In the second commit, a DDD (Domain Driven Design) structure (a little), DTO, IDbConnectionFactory (Factory), Interfaces, Service and Controller were implemented.
- Adding Mediator, CQRS, Sql Server, Controller modification
In this commit, I implemented AutoMapper, Mediator with CQRS pattern, modification of the Controller and writing to the Sql Server database. Packages: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (5.2.2), MediatR (11.1.0), MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection (11.1.0), AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection (12.0.1)
- Adding improvements and more DTOs
I added model encapsulation improvements, creating methods, and more Dtos. I believe that this way, the model is inaccessible externally and the dtos became "immutable", changing from class to "record" and using the "init" keyword.