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A Restaurant Featuring Demo App -Home | User | Admin

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A Restaurant Featuring Demo App -User | Admin

Built with Laravel 7.25. Practised an idea of using a single login page to authenticate both Admins and Users and have them redirected to specific dashboards. That implies that loginController and registerController's $redirectTo property has no actually value but it determined by the account's role using a little function written on the User Model. And the redirect function on authenticate.php which is in Middleware has been modified to suit the condition. Laravel Socialite using Github Login Interface as implementation tool was used as a means to authenticate users also which directly redirects them to the user dashboard for it assigns a role_id of 2 to them. Made Use of packages like UniSharp FileManager, htmlCollective, disqus(You can use laravelista/comments to replace this), sluggable, srmklive/PayPal, Socialite(Using Github Login Interface), dropzone and ...

Note: The project needs you to manually creates 3 records on your roles after migration; Admin,Subscriber and Staff. This aids the project to function properly for now till I modify it later.

The PayPal Integration will require you to have some credentials information which will be passed on .env file. Credentials like:


To use Socialite(Github Login as I used), you'll need some credentials on your .env file. You'll need to create a github app so as to get this. Check out the documentation on :


You can see this on your PayPal Developer Accounts when you try viewing/editing any of your sandbox accounts. Reconfigure the file on config/paypal.php to your wants and the little functions on the PayPalController. --- This is just a practical demo, should in case you want to use it for production consider adjusting it to your ... | still on building trials |

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A Restaurant Featuring Demo App -Home | User | Admin







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