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[C-4008] Fix video collectible card #7940

merged 4 commits into from
Mar 28, 2024


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Fixes issue where video collectibles were not rendering on native collectibles list.

  • Leverages cool "react-native-create-thumbnail" package to process mp4 urls and generate a thumbnail with native performance.
  • Also fixes issue with video collectibles play button.

@dylanjeffers dylanjeffers requested review from a team, sliptype and sddioulde and removed request for a team March 26, 2024 00:11
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Package New capabilities Transitives Size Publisher
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Install scripts npm/@nestjs/core@8.2.6
  • Install script: postinstall
  • Source: opencollective || exit 0
  • orphan: npm/@nestjs/core@8.2.6
Install scripts npm/@apollo/protobufjs@1.2.7
  • Install script: postinstall
  • Source: node scripts/postinstall
  • orphan: npm/@apollo/protobufjs@1.2.7

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It looks like there may be some changes to native mobile code, which requires triggering a full app release. Please follow the instructions here: cc @nicoback2 @sliptype

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@sliptype sliptype left a comment

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Very nice! I was wondering if we could remove any of this logic here but I think probably not:

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Very nice! I was wondering if we could remove any of this logic here but I think probably not:

oh interesting... maybe i update my code to check for frameUrl in object first, and if not there we do the thumbnail stuff?

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@sliptype just followed up on this, and basically there are cases wher the ethcollectibleHelpers do not have a "frameUrl". In web we render a paused video element, and on mobile im using the thumbnail approach to avoid having to load the entire video! going to roll forward with this

@dylanjeffers dylanjeffers merged commit 8ccc5e1 into main Mar 28, 2024
2 of 4 checks passed
@dylanjeffers dylanjeffers deleted the dj-c-4008-fix-video-collectibles branch March 28, 2024 00:44
audius-infra pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Mar 30, 2024
[d0f02bd] [PAY-2648] Improve state of collectibles and their collections (#7979) Saliou Diallo
[712f589] [PAY-2595] Access checker handles albums (#7973) Reed
[e45a0ef] [C-3996] Add Privacy manifest with privacy api reasons (#7966) Sebastian Klingler
[5978ffe] [C-4079] Add rewards cooldown to web (#7967) Isaac Solo
[592e664] Bump version to 0.6.70 audius-infra
[3600a6a] Remove spammy log from transaction handler (#7978) Reed
[76fcd36] [C-4069, C-4072] Render basic collection page info and image on the server side (#7974) Kyle Shanks
[a7f45be] [C-4211] Add non SSR paths to makePageRoute function (#7976) Kyle Shanks
[e246619] Make secondary buy $AUDIO button full-width (#7977) Reed
[cbcecb5] Disable sign up referral e2e test till it can be refactored (#7975) JD Francis
[361d87e] [ONC-65] Fix search auto suggest (#7972) Sebastian Klingler
[f79e98b] [PAY-2625, PAY-2618] Show dog ear on collection page (#7968) Andrew Mendelsohn
[55b0e8e] Bump version to 0.6.69 audius-infra
[de02017] [PROTO-1742] Crawl ddex folders and improve polling+schema (#7960) Theo Ilie
[d60a2be] Disable buy button on track screen on ios (#7971) Reed
[8ccc5e1] [C-4008] Fix video collectible card (#7940) Dylan Jeffers
[ae77ce8] [PAY-2576] Solana relay retries if initial send fails (#7910) Reed
[6e71ce2] Fix challenge info decimal (#7965) Isaac Solo
[20fea34] [PAY-2554, PAY-2555] Purchase album via purchase modal (#7941) Andrew Mendelsohn
[197c0a0] Playwright auth tests (#7948) JD Francis
[5633bf0] Fix pause button pt 2 (#7964) Sebastian Klingler
[46cb255] [C-4071] Set up the collection page for SSR (#7963) Kyle Shanks
[370d127] ONC-54: indexer concurrency (#7933) alecsavvy
[722f122] Whitespace lint fix for identity (#7962) Andrew Mendelsohn
[7dcd1ff] Bump version to 0.6.68 audius-infra
[3889398] Update Tooltip component to render children on server-side (#7945) Kyle Shanks
[08969e6] [PAY-2581] Add support for Helius DAS API for Solana NFTs (#7932) Saliou Diallo
[fe77d63] [ONC-62] Fix pause on track screen (#7959) Sebastian Klingler
[09756a5] [C-4076] Fix search results profile images (#7958) Dylan Jeffers
[4382ab9] Remove priority fee from track listens (#7957) Marcus Pasell
[b2a70a1] [C-4015] Fix hotkeys with modifiers (#7952) Dylan Jeffers
[ea11599] Fix upload body text (#7956) Dylan Jeffers
[85c6efd] Add junit web-test results to CI (#7954) Marcus Pasell
[e33d709] [C-4074] Add Dancehall genre (#7947) Dylan Jeffers
[417516f] [PAY-2566] Check playlists_previously_containing_track in access checker (#7953) Reed
[e751480] [PAY-2565] playlists_previously_containing_track column in tracks table (#7853) Reed
[3e8ebc9] Disable failing web-tests (#7949) Marcus Pasell
[fb22032] [C-4075] Harmony qa round 2 (#7951) Dylan Jeffers
[93b06c7] [ONC-60] Don't delete tracks when deleting album (#7950) Sebastian Klingler
[a38544c] [C-4062] Fix supporter tiles gradient (#7939) Dylan Jeffers
[d7a59b4] [C-2938] Fix robots.txt (#7943) Sebastian Klingler
[147a4f7] [PAY-2564] Remove old track download code (#7942) Reed
[0ae0170] Add playwright report task (#7946) Marcus Pasell
[6aa730b] [PROTO-1717] Clean up DDEX e2e with table tests (#7935) Theo Ilie
[2222c9d] Fix sign up toasts not going away (#7944) JD Francis
[8ef5ec1] Bump version to 0.6.67 audius-infra
[d03df66] Remove Probers project and Cypress (#7923) Marcus Pasell
[b8f638f] [C-4017] Small fixes for ssr profile page rendering (#7937) Kyle Shanks
[1598562] [C-4065, C-4067] Update sdk instances in ssr files to avoid http provider errors (#7930) Kyle Shanks
[cc18be2] [C-4070] Improve sign-up page for various screen sizes (#7938) Dylan Jeffers
[b313b4f]  [ONC-58] Add next param to opensea requests (#7936) Sebastian Klingler
[7ab8ed3] [INF-594] Add e2e tests for sdk example app (#7917) Sebastian Klingler
[5d93bf7] [C-4019] Fix web track menu options (#7934) Dylan Jeffers
[35e4091] [C-4066] Fix edit-collectibles modal spacing (#7925) Dylan Jeffers
[ec6c7a6] Add Playwright for Web E2E Testing (#7922) Marcus Pasell
[f340cd5] add child logger to relay (#7927) alecsavvy
[17ccd74] Update mobile app versions for release .73 (#7931) Dylan Jeffers
[d7a3e81] Fix prepare transfer copy (#7929) Isaac Solo
[b497af7] Expire cached Solana transactions (#7926) Marcus Pasell
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3 participants