Truffle post processor to generate and maintain ABI and deployments files for FE use. Abiniser aims to address the shortcoming of truffle-contract json format which can't handle multiple deployments of same contract source file and can't manage multiple ABI versions.
Abiniser works on files generated by truffle and its output keeps track of abi version and deployments on different networks.
Abineser's abi and deployment files output is intended to be added to repository so it can be used by front end code.
It's an alpha implementation, being tested on Augmint projects. Expect breaking changes (e.g. output format changes) even with minor version bumps.
$ npm -g install abiniser
Each time your abis changed or a new deployment (to any network) done abiniser should be run. It will automatically create new abi file version (based on abi hash) and will add new entries to deployment files. These can be safely checked in
TODO: more description on the workflow
$ abiniser -h
Usage: abiniser [options] [command]
Truffle post processor to generate ABI and deployment repository files
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
generate|gen [options] Generate deployment and abi files from Truffle generated JSON files
removeSourceEntries|removeSrc [options] remove source entries from all deployment files
check [options] Basic integrity check of files generated. Checks references between Abi files and deployment files
More info:
abiniser generate
Creates abi and deployments jsons from all truffle contract json files listed in abiniser.json config file
###Generate deploy and abi files
$abiniser generate -h
Usage: generate|gen [options]
Generate deployment and abi files from Truffle generated JSON files
-c, --config-file [value] Sets abiniser config file. (default: "./abiniser.json")
-a, --abi-output-dir [value] Sets abi output directory. (default: "./abiniser/abis")
-d, --deployments-output-dir [value] Sets deployments output directory. (default: "./abiniser/deployments")
-n, --network-id [value] Generate deployments file only for the given network id number
-i, --input-dir [value] Sets input directory with truffle contract json files. (default: "./build/contracts")
-r, --regenerate Regenerate abi and deploy files even if they exists with same abi hash
-s, --source-include Include contract source in generated deploy file
-h, --help output usage information
Create abiniser.json
file with the list of contract files to work on:
"truffleContractFiles": ["Contract1.json", "Contract2.json"]
You can set command line options in abiniser.json
One file per contract and abi version is generated:
abiniser/abis/<Contract Name>_<Abi version hash>.json
Each file contains the contract's Abi in Solidity ABI JSON format.
abiniser/deployments/<Network Id>/<Contract Name>_DEPLOYS.json
"contractName": "<contract name>",
"latestAbiHash": "7fde219f…",
"deployedAbis": {
"7fde219f…": {
"latestDeployedAddress": "7fde219f…",
"deployments": {
"7fde219f…": {
"generatedAt": "<ISO86901 timestamp>",
"truffleContractFileUpdatedAt": "<ISO86901 timestamp when source truffle contracts json was generated>",
"deployTransactionHash": "0x12…",
"compiler": {
"name": "solc",
"version": "0.4.23"
"sourceHash": "7fde219f…",
"bytecodeHash": "a454e8ba…",
"deployedBytecodeHash": "55abcee…",
"source": "<source code from truffle contract json>"
"0xab444b...": {…}
"a454e8ba… ": {
"latestDeployedAddress": "a9de219f…",
"deployments": {…}
$ abiniser check -h
Usage: check [options]
Basic integrity check of files generated. Checks references between Abi files and deployment files
-a, --abi-output-dir [value] Sets abi output directory to work on. (default: "./abiniser/abis")
-d, --deployments-output-dir [value] Sets deployments output directory to work on. (default: "./abiniser/deployments")
-h, --help output usage information
$ abiniser removeSourceEntries -h
Usage: removeSourceEntries|removeSrc [options]
remove source entries from all deployment files
-d, --deployments-output-dir [value] Sets deployments output directory to work on. (default: "./abiniser/deployments")
-h, --help output usage information
Issue reports, feature suggestions and PRs are more than welcome.
- concept: phraktle & szerintedmi
- szerintedmi
Check the whole team on
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.