See PNPM installation Then install this repository packages:
pnpm install
[Notice] use v1.0.4 for Radix UI @radix-ui/react-dialog@1.0.4 and @radix-ui/react-alert-dialog@1.0.4 for the DialogPortalProp error
[Notice] use @react-email/tailwind@^0.0.8 instead of @react-email/tailwind@0.0.9 for the ReactServerComponentsError
pnpm add @radix-ui/react-dialog@1.0.4 @radix-ui/react-alert-dialog@1.0.4 @react-email/tailwind@^0.0.8
Install Foundry
Then start a local Ethereum network via Anvil: anvil
Download the Solidity Codebase at here
Run tests on ERC721 Sales smart contract: bun run erc721sales
Deploy the ERC20, ERC721, and the ERC721 Sales smart contracts onto the Anvil Local Ethereum network:
bun run erc721sales_deployAnvil
Copy the compiled Solidity ABI files with deployment contract addresses into this frontend project repository: bun run erc721sales_makeabi
For MetaMask wallet, follow this tutorial: Make sure your wallet settings are correct according to Foundry Anvil:
Network Name: Anvil 8545
URL = OR http://localhost:8545
Anvil chain ID 31337 or 0x7a69 in hexadecimal format
Currency symbol: ETH
For a Hardhat local Ethereum network, use chain ID 1337
or 0x539
in hexadecimal format
Every time when a new local Ethereum network is launched, you must clear all your previous wallet transaction history. For example in MetaMast: Click on the top right three dots, then Settings
, then Advanced
, then Clear Activities Tab Data
URL = use the default Sepolia URL in MetaMask or get one from Infura or Alchemy
Sepolia chain ID 11155111
or 0xaa36a7
in hexadecimal format
Copy .env.example
to .env.local
, then add your credentials. Save it without formatting by your code editor!
Note: Use a MongoDB user password, not the account password!
Fill the Ethereum Network name and its associated contract addresses:
I use Bun to run this app in development because of its speed, but you should be able to use PNPM or NPM or Yarn to run it as well. Install Bun: here
Run this app with development configuratioon:
bun run dev
OR run this app with production configuration:
cp .env.local && bun run build
bun run runproduction
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. I use Firefox during development.
If for unknown reasons, NextJs cannot launch the app properly in the very first time. You need to press F5
on your keyboard to reload your web browser again after launching the NextJs, so the NextJs can work properly.
Initially, the app should use the default web3 provider via Infura API to load the page.
Go to your browser wallet to choose the account you want to connect to. Then come back to this app and click on the Connect to wallet
button on the top of the home page to connect your Web3 Wallet to this app.
Wagmi should prompt you to switch to the correct network with deployed contracts.
If you want to use another account, go to your browser wallet to choose the account you want to connect to. Then come back to this app and click on Disconnect
then Connect to Wallet
Confirm your initial ETH balance and the token balance on the home page. This token is the token address set inside the ERC721 Sales smart contract during its deployment, or you can reset the token address after deployment.
In the dropdown: choose the USDT or TokenX on Ethereum/Other Chain
In the Radio buttons: choose Mint Tokens To Guest
Click on the Submit to Blockchain
button then your Browser wallet should pop up for you to click proceed.
After the transaction has been submitted and finalized, you should see your Browser Wallet's notice on your screen. Then click on the left Go
button to refresh your balances. You should see your token balance has increased by 100.
In the dropdown: choose the DragonNFT on Ethereum/Other Chain
In the Radio buttons: choose Mint NFTs to Sales Contract
, enter a NFT ID in the form first field. This NFT ID should not have beem minted before. Just try a few numbers until you made it through. The NFT contract will mint 3 new NFTs starting from your chosen NFT ID.
Then click on the left Go
button to refresh your balances. You should see the Sales Contract have three new NFTs.
Now. In the dropdown: choose the Sales Contract on Ethereum/Other Chain
In the Radio buttons: choose Set Price by Guest
, then click on Submit to Blockchain
. This will automatically set the new NFT prices as 0.001 ETH, 100 Token, and 100 Token respectively.
You need to get some Native Assets like ETH for Ethereum blockchain. If the smart contracts are deployed on testnet like Sepolia or Mumbai, you can get some native assets for free. This app cannot generate those for you.
The first NFT will always be set to 0.001 ETH by the Set Price by Guest
function. So you have to get this amount if you want to buy the first NFT.
Still keep the contract dropdown to Sales contract on Ethereum/Other chain
Enter your first NFT id in the first form field, then click on Submit to Blockchain
. After transaction finalization, you should see your NFT collection has increased by a new NFT ID.
Now. In the dropdown: choose the TokenX on Ethereum/Other Chain
. E.g. USDT on Ethereum/Other Chain.
In the Radio buttons: choose Approve
. Enter an amount in the field Amount
in the form, and that amount is bigger than the sum of all the NFTs you want to buy today.
Click on Submit to Blockchain
. This will approve the Sales Contract to take your tokens during the transaction below.
In the dropdown: choose the Sales Contract on Ethereum/Other Chain
In the Radio buttons: choose Buy NFT via Token
Enter the NFT ID in the first for field, then click on Submit to Blockchain
After the transaction has been submitted and finalize. Then click on the left Go
button to refresh your balances. You should see your NFT collection has increased by a new NFT ID.
Change the lockfileVersion in pnpm-lock.yaml to lockfileVersion: '8.5.1'
Use Vercel's NodeJs version(from deployment error message) in your package.json engine section. Remove "pnpm": ">=8.14.0"
in your package.json engine section to avoid ERR_PNPM_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE Unsupported environment (bad pnpm and/or Node.js version)
"engines": {
"node": "18.x",
"bun": ">=1.0.22"
CORS: has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource
This turns out to be an issue from the APIs, because I have no control over which domains they would accept requests from.
Cant resolve 'bufferutil' and 'utf-8-validate' => pnpm add ws bufferutil utf-8-validate ethers-io/ethers.js#4428
React-Email resend/react-email#977
Popover shadcn-ui/ui#1511 (comment)
NextJs 14 requires Node v18.17 Or Bun 1.0.22
TanStack Query Requirement from the creators of Next.js.
TradingView Lightweight Charts v4.1 Requirement: es2016 language specification