The project is built using flask-restx API. Scissor allows users to shorten URLs by pasting a long URL into the platform and a shorter URL is automatically generated.
- URL Shortening
- Custom URLs
- QR Code Generation
- Analytics
- Link History
# after cloning the repo you can then install all requirements.txt file to run
pip install -r requirements.txt
# the above command will help you install all the packages installed through my env and help you get to work.
#from the first part where we have the url shortening. Below is the code with a simple integration.
class ShortenLink(Resource):
@limiter.limit('4 per day')
def post(self):
Shorten link
data = request.get_json()
link = data.get('link')
body = {
"long_url": link,
"domain": "",
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(your_token),
'Content-type': 'application/json'
response ='', json=body, headers=headers)
response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
if response:
shorts_link = response_dict['link']
set_link = LinkModel(link=link, short_link=shorts_link)
return response.json(), HTTPStatus.OK
#from what you can see, I added a limiter to make a request to that api four(4) per day since i'm running on free tier
# want to check out qrLink?
# Now, this is the thing. This code works but won't provide the base64 image; string you need due to running on free tier, but reading the code and json body you will know this is right ...
class QRLink(Resource):
def post(self):
Create QRCode Link using domain and hashed link
data = request.get_json()
link = data.get('link')
url = '{}/qr'.format(link)
body = {
"color": "1133ff",
"exclude_bitly_logo": True,
"logo_image_guid": "I123456789",
"image_format": "png",
"is_hidden": True
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
'Content-type': 'application/json'
response =, json=body, headers=headers)
response_dict = response.content.decode('utf-8').strip('()')
return response_dict, HTTPStatus.CREATED
This backend API has a UI to test on.
Lol something like a frontend (yeah.) built with VueJs. Frontend Link.
NB: mobile view only