We have an ERC721 Token from the OpenZeppelin Github.
The smart contracts are quite simple, they're just here to test an implementation of dapp based on ethereum.
The main contract is Mycontract.sol. It can mint token on the ERC721 contract.
To mint a token, we have to send more than 0.1 ETH.
The contracts are deployed on the rinkeby Testnet
The dapp was created with create-react-app and the interactions with the blockchain was done with the Web3.js component.
From this App, you can :
- Create a new token with a specific image associated
- View all of the network information (ChainId, LastBlockNumber, network, name of the token registry, total token number in the app)
- View information about a specific Token by its Id
- Display the total number of token of a specific user
- Give your reward back if you are the owner of the contract
- Import any other ERC721 of the blockchain with its ABI and its address to show the balance of a user or owner of a token by its ID
The docker image of the frontend on React is build.
Contract Address : 0x898893dB8214EA0DE02B7Ee67Ca6f8Cc35689E6e
You can access the ABI on the directory smart_contract\build\contracts