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Javascript fast DOM generation.


Fast javascript implementation of the W3C DOM.

It is a mix of W3C / WHATWG specifications and specific performances optimizations for server side use fully compliant at the end with W3C standards.

It does implement what is mostly used and returns an acceptable result for what is rarely used.

It does handle scripts, styles, links, images, xhr and cookies.

It does not handle virtual rendering, stylesheets (but can load links) and events (except onload), but does not crash if not implemented features are used.

Install :

npm install node-dom


git clone
cd node-dom
npm link .

Complementary modules : Ayms/node-Tor Ayms/node-cookies driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest rsms/node-imagemagick

Simple case :

simple.js :
	var request = require('request'),
		dom = require('node-dom').dom,
		fs = require('fs'),   
		URL = require('url');
	var	args = require('tav').set({
					note:'URL of the page to parse'
				},'node-dom for node.js',true);

	var url = URL.parse(args.url);

	var req = {uri:url.href};

	request(req,function (error, response, page) {
		if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
			var options =	{	url:url,
								features: {
											FetchExternalResources  : {script:'', img:'', input:'', link:''},
											ProcessExternalResources: {script:'',img:'',link:'',input:''},
											removeScript: true //Remove scripts for innerHTML and outerHTML output
			window=dom(page,null,options); //global
			document=window.document; //global
			document.onload=function() {
			//Warning : you are not in the window context here (ie you can not access window's global var as global variables directly)
			//Context are explained here
				fs.writeFile('./outer.html', document.html.outerHTML, function (err) {});
				//check the result in outer.html file
				//to test the result in a browser, don't forget to put the base tag after <head> with the correct href

Example : node simple.js --url=

Medium case :

medium.js :
	var request = require('request'),
		dom = require('node-dom').dom,
		fs = require('fs'),   
		URL = require('url');
	var	args = require('tav').set({
						note:'URL of the page to parse'
						note:'Post parameters'
				},'dom-node for node.js',true);

	var url = URL.parse(args.url);

	var req = {uri:url.href};

	if ( {
		req['method'] = 'post';
		req['body'] =;

	request(req,function (error, response, page) {
		if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
			var options =	{	url:url,
								features: {
											FetchExternalResources  : {script:'', img:'', input:'', link:''},
											ProcessExternalResources: {script:'',img:'',link:'',input:''},
											removeScript: true, //Remove scripts for innerHTML and outerHTML output
			window=dom(page,null,options); //global
			document=window.document; //global
			document.onload=function() {
			//Warning : you are not in the window context here (ie you can not access window global var as global variables directly)
			//Contexts are explained here
			//Add your code and do what you have to do with the DOM
				fs.writeFile('./outer.html', document.html.outerHTML, function (err) {});
				//check the result in outer.html file
				//to test the result in a browser, don't forget to put the base tag after <head> with the correct href
				//Example, add your class
				//var MyClass = new require('MyClass').MyClass();
				//window.$=window.jQuery=require('jQuery').jQuery (invention here, let's say you want to use jQuery)
				//Do what you have to do with the DOM
				//Ex1 : MyClass.do_some_stuff_in_the_page();
				//Ex2 : Use jQuery

Example : node medium.js --url=

Complete case :

complete.js :
	var request = require('request'),
		dom = require('node-dom').dom,
		fs = require('fs'),   
		URL = require('url'),
		cookies = require('node-cookies'),
		cookieJar = cookies.cookieJar;
	var	args = require('tav').set({
						note:'URL of the page to parse'
						note:'Where to store cookies'
						note:'Post parameters'
				},'dom-node for node.js',true);

	var url = URL.parse(args.url);

	var req = {uri:url.href};

	//check if the cookie file exists - create it if not
	try {fs.statSync(args.cookies);} catch(ee) {fs.writeFile(args.cookies,'',function(err) {});}
	var fullJar = new cookieJar(args.cookies);
	var jar = fullJar.extractCookiesForUrl(url.href);
	var cookiestr = jar.cookiesForUrl();
	req['headers'] = { Cookies:cookiestr };

	if (!=''){
		req['method'] = 'post';
		req['body'] =;

	request(req,function (error, response, page) {

			if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
				// update cookies sent by the server

				if (response.headers['set-cookie']){
				var options =	{	url:url,							
									features: {
												FetchExternalResources  : {script:'', img:'', input:'', link:''},
												ProcessExternalResources: {script:'',img:'',link:'',input:''},
												removeScript: true, //Remove scripts for innerHTML and outerHTML output
									cookie: jar
				window=dom(page,null,options); //global
				document=window.document; //global
				document.onload=function() {
				//Warning : you are not in the window context here (ie you can not access window global var as global variables directly)
				//Contexts are explained here
				//Add your code and do what you have to do with the DOM
					fs.writeFile('./outer.html', document.html.outerHTML, function (err) {});
					//check the result in outer.html file
					//to test the result in a browser, don't forget to put the base tag after <head> with the correct href
					//Example, add your class
					//var MyClass = new require('MyClass').MyClass();
					//window.$=window.jQuery=require('jQuery').jQuery (invention here, let's say you want to use jQuery)
					//Do what you have to do with the DOM
					//Ex1 : MyClass.do_some_stuff_in_the_page();
					//Ex2 : Use jQuery
					//save cookies

Example : node complete.js --url= --cookies=./cookies.txt

Options and arguments :

dom(page,level,options) : level is not used

options =	{	
							features: {
										FetchExternalResources  : {script:'', img:'', input:'', link:''},
										ProcessExternalResources: {script:'',img:'',link:'',input:''},
										removeScript: true, //Remove scripts for innerHTML and outerHTML output
							cookie: jar

Remove from features if you don't want to use it :

  • script : load and execute scripts
  • link : load links
  • img/input : load images and background images, retrieve the size, assign width/height to the objects
  • removeScript : it's generally useless to keep scripts in inner/outerHTML output, so default should be true. Whatever is the setting, scripts present in innerHTML or outerHTML will not execute as it is specified in standards.

Resources sequencing :

Unlike browsers scripts execution is a little defer here, so it can not block the construction of the DOM, scripts are loaded and queued (inline and outside), then executed in the right order on document.close() (which queue document) and onload is fired.

Since scripts can add others, queue can still extend after document complete (then their execution can happen after readyState "complete").

When queue is empty, scripts are executed right away and onload is fired.

Scripts that fail will be re-executed after a certain delay, see comments in the code why it can happen.

Same happens for links.

Images are loaded asynchronously, same image is loaded just once, then width/height are set to objects related to this image.

Tunnelling with node-Tor :



Tests :

See test/tests.txt

Tested on google, yahoo, msn web sites, usual js frameworks (jQuery, YUI, prototype, mootools,...) and unbelievable usual web sites.

Other applications using node-dom :

Ayms/node-bot Ayms/node-gadgets Ayms/node-googleSearch


Javascript fast DOM generation







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