I'm a Developer and a Senior CS Student at Temple University! I'm also...
- 👩💻 Actively working on OutOfStonk - a program built on Java using frameworks like Selenium and JUnit (must cut down on bugs!) and eventually having a website built with BootStrap.
- 📚 Currently learning... everything 🤣
- ❓ Thinking about how to create a fun and engaging YouTube video revolving around game hacking, memory viewing, multi-level pointers and Assembly instruction overriding/code cave redirects...
- 🎈 Fun fact: I have the world record score on 3DMark's TimeSpy leaderboard for every computer system that contains a 5900HS processor and a 3070 mobile graphics chip.
- ⚡ 2022 Goals:
Earn an internship where I can make a difference in the world,Graduate with at least a 3.8 and to successfully publish OutOfStonk on all possible channels (Its own website, Discord, chrome extension, ...).