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Known issues and Self Help

hsridharan edited this page May 28, 2022 · 14 revisions


Sample error message

The resource type could not be found in the namespace 'Microsoft.Workloads' for api version '2021-12-01-preview'.

Recommended actions

Please ensure you have registered the resource provider 'Microsoft.Workloads' for your subscription. If issue still persists, your subscription may need to be included in allowed-list for AMS private preview program. Please reach out to your Microsoft contact.


Sample error message

Failed to create provider ('provider name') for ('server name'). Error: The provider settings validation operation has failed with code 'sapHanaConnectionFailed'. Possible Causes: The operation failed with error: 'Connection to SAP HANA Failed.'. Recommended Action: 'Please Update connection settings.'.

Recommended actions

Check port number, to do so please log into HANA and execute this command: SELECT DISTINCT (sql_port) FROM SYS.M_SERVICES WHERE SQL_PORT > 0. Check HANA username and password. To resolve please recrate SAP HANA provider by using correct values of port, tenant, username and password.

HANA Provider Failed due to connection Time out

The provider settings validation operation has failed with code 'SapHanaConnectionFailed'.

Possible Causes:

The operation failed with the error: 'Connection to SAP HANA Failed.'.

Recommended Action:

'Please Update connection settings.'Check for the SQL Port is correctly provided and the ports are open in the NSG.

Command to check SQL Port - Login to HANA SQL and run the query "SELECT DISTINCT(sql_port) FROM SYS.M_SERVICES WHERE SQL_PORT > 0"

Unable to reach hostname

The provider settings validation operation has failed with code 'SoapAPIValidationFailed'.

Possible Causes:

The operation failed with the error: 'Unable to reach the hostname: XXX.YYY.ZZZ. Error occurred while validating SOAP client API calls for SAP system.'.

Recommended Action:

'Please check the input hostname, instance number, and host file entries. Ensure that the SOAP web service methods are unprotected correctly.'.


Check the hostfile entries it has IP FQDN HOSTNAME and ports are open in the NSG

Check the application server field also contains FQDN

5XX13 and 5XX14 (where XX with instance no)

Ping Service in the SICF transaction

Sample error message

Could not find host or port information

Recommended actions

Refer SAP Note: [2669144 - SICF service throws error "Could not find host or port information" . Following 2 parameters needs to be added to the DEFAULT profile and restart the service.

Parameter Name Parameter Value
icm/server_port_0 PROT=HTTP,PORT=80$
icm/server_port_1 PROT=HTTPS,PORT=43$

Azure functions quota unavailable

Sample error message

{"code":"DeploymentFailed",**"message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"ArmOperationFailed","message":"\n The Azure operation failed with code 'InternalSubscriptionIsOverQuotaForSku'.\n ** Possible Causes: The operation failed with error: 'This region has quota of 1 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or SKU. Please email for more information.'.\n Recommended Action: Review the resource settings and retry the operation. If the issue persists, please create an issue here :- .\n "}]}

Recommended actions

Please open a support ticket from Azure portal and request for following Azure functions configuration: sku name name": "EP1", tier: "ElasticPremium", size: "EP1", family: "EP", capacity: 1. Wait to receive the capacity and then re-deploy AMS.


Cannot find Azure Monitor for SAP solutions in portal

Problem replication


Recommended actions

Please use


Delete alerts in Azure Monitor for SAP solutions

Recommended actions

To solve this issue, please follow the steps:

  • Go to the resource group for AMS,Par
  • Then inPar the left panel select "Locks".
  • On this page remove the lock, to remove this lock you might require contributor or Admin access to subscription. After this step, you will be able to remove the alert rule. Par
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