azure-cli-iot-ext 0.8.7
The following features depend on service capabilities that will be released soon.
- Support IoT Edge layered deployments.
- Support ADM module twin definitions.
The remaining features are generally available.
- Improved json schema validation error handling for edge deployments.
- Update top maximum for hub config/edge deployment list to 100.
- Breaking Change: Metric evaluation between hub configurations and edge deployments via show-metric work exactly the same.
- Breaking Change: New result format for
az iot device c2d-message receive
. The command now shows all properties. - Updated IoT Central commands to allow the API for token collection to be overridden.
az iot device c2d-message send
supports sending all settable system properties per message.- Updated uAMQP version range.
- Add user agent for MQTT & AMQP operations.
- Add QoS argument for