[Microsoft.AzureStackHCI] Add 2024-04-01 for StackHCI #29110
Check `Breaking Change(Cross-Version)` detected problems
Detected: 58 Errors, 32 Warnings
The check status is neutral due to the check being suppressed by a label matching pattern BreakingChange-Approved-*.
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
To see the full list of breaking changes messages, with all the details available:
In the relevant ADO build (see the link above), find the job CrossVersionBreakingChange
, then the task within, also called CrossVersionBreakingChange
In the task's build log, search for Full list of messages
Compared specs (v0.10.9) | new version | base version |
arcSettings.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
arcSettings.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
clusters.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
clusters.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
deploymentSettings.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
deploymentSettings.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
edgeDevices.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
edgeDevices.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
extensions.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
extensions.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
hciCommon.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
offers.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
offers.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
publishers.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
publishers.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
securitySettings.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
securitySettings.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
skus.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
skus.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
updateRuns.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
updateRuns.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
updateSummaries.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
updateSummaries.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
updates.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
updates.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
operations.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-01-01(main) |
operations.json | 2024-04-01(b647fd6) | 2024-02-15-preview(main) |
The following breaking changes have been detected in comparison to the latest stable version
1006 - RemovedDefinition
Displaying 3 out of 3 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'DeploymentStatus' removed or renamed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/deploymentSettings.json#L278:3 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L278:3 |
2 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'ReportedProperties' removed or renamed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/deploymentSettings.json#L278:3 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L278:3 |
3 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'ValidationStatus' removed or renamed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/deploymentSettings.json#L278:3 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L278:3 |
1023 - TypeFormatChanged
Displaying 6 out of 35 occurrences.
1025 - RequiredStatusChange
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('True') to the new version('False'). New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L997:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/edgeDevices.json#L403:7 |
1030 - DifferentDiscriminator
Displaying 6 out of 6 occurrences.
1033 - RemovedProperty
Displaying 6 out of 6 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'additionalInfo' renamed or removed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L581:7 Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L261:7 |
2 | The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'code' renamed or removed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L581:7 Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L261:7 |
3 | The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'details' renamed or removed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L581:7 Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L261:7 |
4 | The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'message' renamed or removed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L581:7 Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L261:7 |
5 | The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'properties' renamed or removed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L522:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/edgeDevices.json#L348:7 |
6 | The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'target' renamed or removed? New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L581:7 Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L261:7 |
1034 - AddedRequiredProperty
Displaying 6 out of 7 occurrences.
⚠️ 1017 - ReferenceRedirection
Displaying 3 out of 3 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/deploymentSettings.json#L515:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L500:9 |
2 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json#L68:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L794:9 |
3 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json#L73:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L799:9 |
💬 1038 - AddedPath
Displaying 2 out of 2 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L461:5 |
2 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L524:5 |
💬 1040 - AddedReadOnlyPropertyInResponse
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new read-only property 'exception' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json#L581:7 Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L261:7 |
💬 1041 - AddedPropertyInResponse
Displaying 6 out of 17 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new property 'currentOemVersion' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 |
2 | The new version has a new property 'currentSbeVersion' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 |
3 | The new version has a new property 'expectedExecutionTime' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateRuns.json#L337:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateRuns.json#L337:7 |
4 | The new version has a new property 'healthCheckTags' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json#L272:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updates.json#L556:7 |
5 | The new version has a new property 'healthCheckTags' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json#L272:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateSummaries.json#L391:7 |
6 | The new version has a new property 'logCollectionProperties' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L654:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/clusters.json#L528:7 |
💬 1045 - AddedOptionalProperty
Displaying 6 out of 9 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new optional property 'currentOemVersion' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 |
2 | The new version has a new optional property 'currentSbeVersion' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 |
3 | The new version has a new optional property 'expectedExecutionTime' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateRuns.json#L337:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updateRuns.json#L337:7 |
4 | The new version has a new optional property 'logCollectionProperties' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L654:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/clusters.json#L528:7 |
5 | The new version has a new optional property 'minSbeVersionRequired' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updates.json#L341:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/updates.json#L341:7 |
6 | The new version has a new optional property 'operationType' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/deploymentSettings.json#L467:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/stable/2024-01-01/deploymentSettings.json#L478:7 |
The following breaking changes have been detected in comparison to the latest preview version
⚠️ 1017 - ReferenceRedirection
Displaying 3 out of 3 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1081:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1035:9 |
2 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1439:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1397:9 |
3 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L972:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L916:9 |
⚠️ 1019 - RemovedEnumValue
Displaying 3 out of 3 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is removing enum value(s) 'None' from the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1081:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1035:9 |
2 | The new version is removing enum value(s) 'None' from the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1439:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1397:9 |
3 | The new version is removing enum value(s) 'None' from the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L972:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L916:9 |
⚠️ 1023 - TypeFormatChanged
Displaying 6 out of 18 occurrences.
⚠️ 1025 - RequiredStatusChange
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1417:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1380:7 |
⚠️ 1029 - ReadonlyPropertyChanged
Displaying 2 out of 2 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The read only property has changed from 'true' to 'false'. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1081:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1035:9 |
2 | The read only property has changed from 'true' to 'false'. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L972:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L916:9 |
⚠️ 1034 - AddedRequiredProperty
Displaying 2 out of 2 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has new required property 'fromDate, toDate' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1414:5 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1378:5 |
2 | The new version has new required property 'fromDate, toDate' that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L1493:9 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L1459:9 |
💬 1040 - AddedReadOnlyPropertyInResponse
Displaying 4 out of 4 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new read-only property 'correlationId' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L870:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L870:7 |
2 | The new version has a new read-only property 'endTimeCollected' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L870:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L870:7 |
3 | The new version has a new read-only property 'logCollectionError' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L870:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L870:7 |
4 | The new version has a new read-only property 'logCollectionJobType' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json#L870:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/clusters.json#L870:7 |
💬 1041 - AddedPropertyInResponse
Displaying 6 out of 11 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new property 'currentOemVersion' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 |
2 | The new version has a new property 'currentSbeVersion' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/updateSummaries.json#L263:7 |
3 | The new version has a new property 'expectedExecutionTime' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updateRuns.json#L337:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/updateRuns.json#L337:7 |
4 | The new version has a new property 'healthCheckTags' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json#L272:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/updates.json#L556:7 |
5 | The new version has a new property 'healthCheckTags' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json#L272:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/updateSummaries.json#L391:7 |
6 | The new version has a new property 'minSbeVersionRequired' in response that was not found in the old version. New: StackHCI/stable/2024-04-01/updates.json#L341:7 Old: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/preview/2024-02-15-preview/updates.json#L341:7 |
💬 1045 - AddedOptionalProperty
Displaying 6 out of 8 occurrences.