There are two parts to this code base:
- The main solver for all parts of the problem
- A verification script to display a simplfied version of the problem, that can be shown to be correct to a degree of accuracy.
- Adjust any variables as needed in INIT_PARAMS.
- Run the script MAINSCRIPT.
All code for verification is contained in the Verification directory.
- Adjust any variables as needed in VERIF_PARAMS.
- Run the script VERIF_SCRIPT.
This section outlines which vertex is which based on a numbering scheme.
---------------- INCLUDE AN IMAGE HERE ---------------------------
Number | Description | Coordinates |
1 | Bottom left node | x = 0 && z = 0 |
2 | Bottom boundary | 0 < x < 500 && z = 0 |
3 | Bottom right node | x = 500 && z = 0 |
4 | Left boundary | x = 0 && 0 < z < 80 |
5 | Interior node | 0 < x < 500 && 0 < z < 80 |
6 | Right boundary | x = 500 && 0 < z < 80 |
7 | Top left node | x = 0 && z = 80 |
8 | Top boundary | 0 < x < 500 && z = 80 |
9 | Top right node | x = 500 && z = 80 |