This repository is the third part of the FAIRification pipeline and is responsible for uploading metadata to catalogue.
Miseq, New Miseq, MammaPrint
- Install requirements
pip install -r requiremenents.txt
- Run
python -r path/to/pseudonymized/runs/folder -o /path/to/root/organisation/folder -p /path/to/patients/folder
docker-compose up -d --build
Production is running on Kubernetes cluster SensitiveCloud
Deploy dependent secrets
## Supported sequencing types
Miseq, New Miseq, MammaPrint
## How to run the scripts
### Locally - Development
#### Using
1. Install requirements
pip install -r requiremenents.txt
- Run
python -r path/to/pseudonymized/runs/folder -o /path/to/root/organisation/folder -p /path/to/patients/folder
docker-compose up -f compose.yml -d --build
Production is running on Kubernetes cluster SensitiveCloud
Deploy dependent secrets
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/catalog-secret.yaml -n bbmri-mou-ns
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/uploader-job.yaml -n bbmri-mou-ns
Build new docker image
docker build --no-cache <public-dockerhub-repository>/data-catalogue-organiser:<version> .
docker push <public-dockerhub-repository>/data-catalogue-organiser:<version>
# change version in kubernetes/organiser-job.yaml
You can visit kubernetes UI Rancher find the failing pod and investigate in logs. On how to use Rancher and SensitiveCloud visit Docs
Other option is running a testing job and investigation inside the cluster filemanager (to check user permissions etc.)
kubectl apply kubectl apply -f kubernetes/testing-job.yaml -n bbmri-mou-ns
Then connect to terminal of this job/pod on Rancher
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/organiser-job.yaml -n bbmri-mou-ns
Build new docker image
docker build --no-cache <public-dockerhub-repository>/data-catalogue-uploader:<version> .
docker push <public-dockerhub-repository>/data-catalogue-uploader:<version>
# change version in kubernetes/organiser-job.yaml
You can visit kubernetes UI Rancher find the failing pod and investigate in logs. On how to use Rancher and SensitiveCloud visit Docs
Other option is running a testing job and investigation inside the cluster filemanager (to check user permissions etc.)
kubectl apply kubectl apply -f kubernetes/testing-job.yaml -n bbmri-mou-ns
Then connect to terminal of this job/pod on Rancher