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Laravel Nova Translation

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You can install the nova tool in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:

composer require bbs-lab/nova-translation

The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // ...

You can tailor default in your application by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BBSLab\NovaTranslation\NovaTranslationServiceProvider"

You need to run migrations and seeds Locales.

php artisan migrate

Models setup

// @TODO... Explain

  • use Traits\Translatable

  • auto_synced_models in config.php

  • Define $nonTranslatable attributes (attributes that will be overridden during in all translations during an entry update).

  • Define $onCreateTranslatable attributes (attributes that will be copied during translations entry creation).

  • If your using michielkempen/nova-order-field package you must override system in model with:

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function buildSortQuery()
    return static::query()->locale();


You can publish the default configuration by running the following command :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BBSLab\NovaTranslation\NovaTranslationServiceProvider"

Using Cookies

By default, the locale is stored in the session upon change, but if you need to access it before the session is started, you can instruct the package to save it in the cookies by enabling it in the config :

'use_cookies' => true,

The cookie will hold the same name defined in locale_session_key

💡 NOTE: The cookie will be encrypted by default, to have it excluded you can add it to your EncryptCookies middleware :

class EncryptCookies extends Middleware
    public function __construct(EncrypterContract $encrypter)

        $this->except = array_merge($this->except, [
            // ...

Config Nova

Add SetLocale middleware in application kernel.

// app/Http/Kernel.php

protected $middleware = [
    // ...


TranslationMatrix tool

You must register the translation matrix backend tool with Nova:

// app/Providers/NovaServiceProvider.php

public function tools()
    return [
        new \BBSLab\NovaTranslation\Tools\TranslationMatrix,

Nova resource

Nova Resource MUST extends BBSLab\NovaTranslation\Resources\TranslatableResource to work.

Locale resource

And you can add the Locale Nova Resource within your application:

// app/Nova/Locale.php


namespace App\Nova;

use App\Helpers\StaticLabel;
use BBSLab\NovaTranslation\Resources\Locale as BaseResource;

class Locale extends BaseResource
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static $group = StaticLabel::GROUP_ADMINISTRATION;


If your using Lighthouse PHP you can add some default Directive and endpoints for Locale and Label.

Directives @allTranslations, @paginateTranslations, @firstTranslation related

Acting as similar @all, @paginate, @first.

You need to add package Directives path to your lighthouse.php configuration file:

// config/lighthouse.php

'namespaces' => [
    // ...
    'directives' => ['App\\GraphQL\\Directives', 'BBSLab\\NovaTranslation\\GraphQL\\Directives'],


You can include those in your existing schema:

#import ../../../vendor/bbs-lab/nova-translation/src/Http/GraphQL/Locale/*.graphql
#import ../../../vendor/bbs-lab/nova-translation/src/Http/GraphQL/Label/*.graphql

Flags resources

Flags UTF-8 (e.g en.json) came from EmojiTerra


  • Add order button on keys heading
  • Add search bar to filter keys
  • Add checkboxes to enable/disable display of locale
  • Add custom message/component when no locale is selected