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So you're the facilitator for this week's Tidy Tuesday. Good on you!

Here's what you need to know. If what your looking for isn't here, feel free to add it yourself, or add an issue to this repo.


  1. Introduce yourself, and give an overview of Tidy Tuesdays (script below).

  2. Go around and have others introduce themselves:

  • What's your name?
  • What do you want to get out of today's Tidy Tuesday?
  1. Introduce this weeks Tidy Tuesday problem
  • Make sure people can access it properly
  • Encourage use of git
  1. Everyone works on their own problems, or the Tidy Tuesday problem.

  2. Towards the end, give everyone a 5-10 minute warning.

  3. Ask everyone to show what they've done.

  4. Thank everyone for coming, announce when the next Tidy Tuesday will be, and ask for feedback.

Introduction Script

"Welcome to Tidy Tuesdays! I'm [your name] and I will be facilitating this week's session.

If you've never been to one before, Tidy Tuesdays is a weekly event within BEES to discuss and practice coding, data wrangling, analysis and visualisation. Each week we will get an interesting raw data set, and use our collective skills to wrangle the data and visualise it in any way we like. We also aim to help each other with their day to day R problems, and discuss ways to improve each others' coding and data analysis skills. This is an ever evolving event, so please feel free to give feedback and input on how you want this to run.

Before we get started, can everyone introduce yourself and let us know what you're hoping to get out of today's Tidy Tuesday? This could be 'wanting to learn more R tricks', 'practicing data visualisation', 'getting help with an R prpblem from my project' or 'procrastination'."

1. Access the data

  • make sure R, R studio, and tidyverse are installed (i.e. for new comers) ~ provide a page how to do it.
  • provide link to the data for the week
  • explain the story about the data and its meta-data

2. Compile questions

  • set up a collaborative document, give the link to the audience. Candidates: ; google docs
  • ask everyone to write down some plausible questions into the document
  • anyone can choose what questions they want to answer; they can type their name next to the question.
  • offer people with the same interest to make groups

3. Tackle the question

  • discuss and type down some potential way to explore the data (i.e. steps to make data tidy and relevant type of plots)
  • start coding
  • leave descriptive comments whenever needed
  • share the code onto the collaborative doc

4. Wrap up

  • review the answers, i.e. when there are multiple ways to approach the problem.
  • mention any new package or function used in the session
  • ask everyone what they've learned from the session

The facilitator tidy-up the compiled answers from the collaborative document, save it into an .Rmd format, and upload it to our repositories.


TidyTuesday - A weekly social data project in R


Helpful resources for Tidy Tuesdays facilitators







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