This classifier is designed to accept a string of text containing a disability description from a 526 form and return the proper VA approved classification.
IMPORTANT: The model needs to be trained once before running or to generate the pickled files for Count Vectorizer and the Logistic Regression model. Simply follow the steps below and things should work smoothly
cd into the preppingScripts folder. cd preppingScripts
Run with with the name of the csv containing your dataset as well as the name you'd like to give the cleaned up version of your data. Important:Make sure you feed and save files in CSV format -Example: python Large_Training.csv CleanData.csv
Run with the name of the file you just created in step (1). -Example: python ../data/CleanData.csv This will generate the models and automatically save them.
Run followed by the string of text you would like to analyze. -Example: python 'Ringing in my ear' -Output: {'ringing in my ear': ['hearing loss', 3140]}
Run predictorBulk followed by the name of the csv file containing the data. -Example: python NewData.csv
Accuracy: 92%
Weighted Precision: 91%
Weighted Recall: 92%
Weighted F1 Score 91%
A file named testResults.csv. is included in the data folder. It contains the following fields:
index: index of test elements in larger set.
CLMANT_TXT: The text from the 526 form.
CNTNTN_CLSFCN_TXT: The classification assigned to it.
CNTNTN_CLSFCN_ID: The ID for the assigned classification.
newClass: the class that corresponds to CNTNTN_CLSFCN_TXT based on string similarity with the approved list of classifications.
predictedLabel: The classification assigned by the model.
predID: The ID corresponding to the the predicted classification.
correctPred: Boolean for filtering based on whether or not the model made the right selection.
Created by: Bennett Gebken
Repackaged by: Nel Abdiel